
Do you think that MLB owes Roger Clemens an apology?

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Do you think that MLB owes Roger Clemens an apology?




  1. If he was smart he would have apologized and said he used roids once just to get back from an injury like Pettite did.  Pettite was the only smart one, he apologized, knowing that Roger and Barry would be dumb enough to take the whole national spotlight.  If Roger would have just admitted it, he like Giambi and Pettite would be fine now, with Bonds being the nations only hated cheater remaining in the limelight.

  2. Nope, he cheated, I think he owes baseball fans an apology.

  3. Apology for what? For the millions of dollars he made? For the fame he had? For the fact that millions of fans loved him?

    Or do you mean they should apologize for investigating what certainly appears to be criminal behavior? Or should they apologize for forcing him to have a relationship with an under aged girl behind his wife's back?

    Probably the only reason baseball should apologize to Clemens is for not having testing much sooner. Maybe then he wouldn't have resorted to using PHD's.

  4. I beg to differ. It's quite more of the opposite.

  5. Roger Clemens is a cheater.  The Boston Red Sox were correct in determining that his natural ability was winding down.  He goes to Toronto, uses steroids, and re-becomes an ace defrauding the Sox, the rest of baseball, and the kids.

    Even if there is no hard evidence, all of the circumstantial evidence points to the abuse of steroids.

    His hall of fame status should be in question, the MLB owes him nothing.

  6. For what? For giving him the opportunity to make millions of dollars and have millions of adoring fans while he took steroids and screwed teenage girls? No, I don't think that MLB owes him an apology for that.

  7. No he made millions in the MLB.

  8. Yes i do. Has he been convicted of anything? This is America and last time i checked the slogan was "innocent until proven guilty" not the other way around. And honestly who cares if he did take steroids. He is still one of the dominant pitchers of the game, and exactly what would they do for a pitcher anyways? Make them throw harder. I highly doubt it, cause if you look at it, steroids make your arms big, and wouldnt be harder to throw it fast if you arms were jacked. I just dont see the big deal, its not like it was against the rules "if/when" he did it. So yeah they owe him an apology cause he deserves to go in to the HOF and i dont think anybody could argue that.

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