
Do you think that MMA will be a fun activity? 10 Points?

by  |  earlier

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I just recently moved to a city where theres an mma gym and was thinking about joining. Ive always wanted to train and fight in mma. But was just afraid for some reason. I always hear people say its to barbaric, or violent, or dangerous, or need to be banned. Thats what gets to me. Is mma that bad. I hope not becasue i want to give it a try.

And if I train more and more will I get used to it?




  1. its great fun i trained for a while in an mma gym untill i couldnt afford it anymore i learned alot in a short time and had a blast with all the other guys i would recomend it for anyone..its not too violent in early training but just have fun learn your stuff and do everything right

  2. its funny to see how many comments there are when the question has "10 points" in it.. everyone drools over the thought of 10 points sad...... and funny  

  3. I'm the furthest thing from an MMA fighter, but I'd encourage ya to at least give it a shot for a little while.  If the trainers/coaches are any good, I would assume they wouldn't just throw you into full competition right away anyways.  But then again, it seems to be a very tough sport where I guess they could throw ya right out there.  And, helps ya get used to anything you're doing  :)   Good luck!

  4. dont listen to people who say its "barbaric", cause its not...

    fightin in general is violent and dangerous, but it depends if you're the one fighting or the one being fought... its only used for self defense...

    thats why its called MMA TRAINING....

    your trained to fight on the ground, grappple, and fight standing up..

    MMA is mainly used for competition, but it can be used for self defense as well

    90% of the time, ALL fights end up on the ground so MMA will help you defend yourself in this situation

    training after awhile will help you get used to the workout, and overall, MMA isnt bad

    GIVE IT A TRY! :)

  5. I do occasional MMA fights in my Kajukenbo school(we're very well rounded). These are usually done in basic sparring protection, and we were long since trained and disciplined in our Juijitsu and Kickboxing to not severely hurt someone. It's pretty enjoyable(especially when you're winning =P)

    Watch a few classes, see what you think. If they don't allow this, be suspicious.

  6. MMA is neither barbaric, overly violent [how much gun violence takes place in this country?], dangerous [how many spinal injuries take place in American football?], or needs to be banned [ban SUVs instead].


  7. It will be fun, Plus you learn Self-Defense. Its good all around. Great cardio. You should give it a shot. Its not barbaric, Might as well say Football and Hockey is barbaric and violent. Trust me you'll enjoy it.

  8. Do it!  You will probably just roll the first few weeks, and if you get that down, there is nothing to be worried about!  Don't be afraid -- It's not like you're going to be representing your gym in a Kumate anytime soon ;)

  9. MMA is a simple school yard fight man, just fought by adults that's all.  Stick to something real and meaningful like any form of Japanese Jujitsu.

    My students laugh at MMA and they fight in these events.  MMA sure isn't jujitsu .... it's a school fight at best ( with rules ) hehehehe.

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