
Do you think that Mature rated games will be bad for me?

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Ok. I'm 15 years old, and I'll be getting my own Xbox 360. My mother's totally fine with me getting an Xbox, but not violent games (halo 3 and gears of war for example). After days of discussion, we finally came to an agreement, I'm allowed to play violent videogames on the weekends, but if my behavior starts to change, then it's bye bye. And of couse I'll be spending my hard earned money on this... But let's get to the real stuff

Halo 3 and Gears of War? You think they'd be inappropiate?

Bioshock? Think I'm too young?




  1. You should be fine. Those rating are conservative estimates; the people handing them out are thinking "better safe than sorry". Most 15 year-olds are mature enough to play just about all video games; I was playing Grand Theft Auto at that age and have never been in any trouble.

    Despite what some people in the media say, very few young people are badly influenced by video games in any serious way; those who do must have some big problems to begin with, and probably would have turned out bad anyway.

    I think that there is a natural tendency for adults to worry about and disapprove of the new things the younger generations are doing. 20 years ago violent videos were supposedly going to turn all young people into axe murderers; before that rock music was going to turn them into satanists. People were even doing this in ancient Greece. Trust me you'll be fine; in a few years people won't care about video games and will be disapproving of something else

  2. Not at all! I've been playing Mature rated games since I was 10 or so and it hasn't affected me at all. I never get in trouble.

  3. there all fine for you just dont act voilent and yor fine also rated M games are fine for you im 13 and a play Grand theft auto and gears of war and halo and stuff like that  

  4. well man i'm 15 and i play those kinda games all the time and nothing ever happened to me so i say GO FOR IT ;-)!!!!

  5. well to start off, most of the games i have seen that are any good are M rated games, bioshock is a bit on the insane side as the gore is pretty intense and you are pretty much putting brainwashed fools out of their misery with makeshift guns and a wrench! itz not that bad but it still is an iffy game i dout your mom would want to see you playing it, halo was an overrated game and should have been given a T rating, there are ames worse than it iv seen with a T rating.  Gears of war is not only total fiction, but i dout you would ever manage running around with a gun that has a chainsaw bayonet on it (dont try this at home) and the goryest part in the whole game to me is slicing a guy up with your chainsaw bayonet, otherwise, I say, those games are completly safe for you to play, but Bioshock is a bit twisted and it gets you thinking about the ethics and limitations of government and our lifestyles as it is.

  6. Halo I would consider on borderline between T and M

    Gears I've never really played =/

    BioShock on the other hand is a little adult with some language, but it's full philosophy may be a little confusing.

  7. Bah. There's kids YOUNGER than you playing games worse than Halo 3 and Gears of War. If you have the tolerance to not imitate anything you see on the games (and there really isn't anything in those two to imitate), then you should be fine.

  8. It all depends on you. If you are a reasonably intelligent person with the ability to distinguish reality form fantasy, then you should be perfectly all right. Since you not only had a reasonable discussion with your mother, but also managed to type your entire question without looking stupid, you should be ok. The only people that these "violent" games influence are weak-willed fools that are unable to separate fact and fiction. I use the term violent loosely due to the fact that it is impossible for a fictional representation to cause harm to anything or anyone that is not made of pixels, and pixels don't feel pain.

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