
Do you think that McCain and Pailn should both step down and be replaced?

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It seems to be an embarrassing mess with both McCain and his running mate/*soul mate.

*what McCain said Pain was




  1. wish!!!

  2. They will be replaced. McCain will become the next President of the United States, so, he will need to be replaced in the Senate. Palin will become the next Vice President of the United States, so she will need top be replaced as Alaska's Governor.

    Sorry, not what you wanted to hear no doubt.

  3. I think McCain should've picked someone with decades of experience--than someone who never stepped foot out of the Alaskan wilderness for the first time and doesn't know a vice-presidency from a hole in the ground. :0)

  4. let me're not a republican

  5. Nope They handed Dems the Presidency

  6. I think Obama should get out of the race, but will he? No.

  7. America should be so lucky to have both McCain and Palin replaced.

  8. If we are going to question Palin's dysfunctional family, we should be questioning Obama's dysfunctional family (he is after-all, "his brother's keeper" and his brother lives in a mud hut for example and I for one want to know more about his two dads).

  9. No, it's like Christmas!

    It just came out a couple of hours ago that her husband was arrested for DUI.

    RE: EDIT:

    Paging Dr. Freud.....

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