
Do you think that McCain chose Palin because of the Oil Reserves in Alaska?

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There is much talk about the reasons that McCain chose Palin. None of them seem to make any sence except this.

McCain wants to drill for Oil in Alaska. Palin is in charge of the Alaskan Land. McCain tells Palin that she can be VP if we can drill on her land. Palin agrees and McCain begins to drill. Oil Prices in America drop and McCain looks like a World Hero for fixing the Oil Crisis. What do you think?

I am neither Republican or Democrat. I believe that both of these parties are out to ruin this Country. I am for Ron Paul. I am just looking for opinions.




  1. after this hurricane,the cost of gas is going to be right up there.i think he chose her for many reasons.mostly to make the dems spend millions on useless commercials to even the playing field in the months to come.

  2. Should liberals get chips implanted that administer a shock whenever they utter the word "oil" outside the contexts of engines, suntans or cooking?

  3. McMoron opted for Palin because she was missing certain anatomical parts.  He only had one conversation with her...30 minutes on the phone.  Obama talked for hours with all of his potential running mates...that was after they were vetted.

  4. McCain is against drilling in An ware  

  5. Um, McCain opposes drilling in ANWR. It's the major issue that separates McCain and Palin. She supports it. McCain supports off-shore drilling.  

  6. …the oldest girl is rumored to have actually been the one who had the last baby, the one with Down’s Syndrome. She was taken out of school the last 4 or 5 months of her mother’s pregnancy.

    On March 5th, 2008 Alaska’s Republican Governor, Sarah Palin, announced to the media that she was 7 months pregnant with her 5th child. She is currently 44.

    Palin’s daughter Bristol is 16 and attends an Anchorage high school. Students who have attended class with her report that she has been out of school for months, claiming a prolonged case of mono.

    Palin does not appear pregnant in any recent photographs.  

  7. Palin has never been against drilling in Alaska she sued the government for putting polar bears on the endangered species list fearing that that would endanger drilling in her home state


    It is congress that is preventing drilling not governors

    And finally ANWR is a National Park not a state park the president needs no agreement with a governor to use national land

    One more thing

    It is not the unavailability of oil that is the major problem it is the non existence of refineries to make gasoline


    The democrat mean machine is in full motion

    See how readily they are willing to throw out the rumors of a baby switch into a question that has absolutely no relevance to that answer

    You make Hillary proud Hawkeye

  8. The VP has no say on whether or not congress allows us to drill for more oil at home.

    Sadly, most Democrats in congress claim they don't want to depend on foriegn oil, nor drill for it at home. They want to increase taxes on the oil producers. Gee, that should really help reduce the world oil prices.

    McCain picked Palin for a few reasons I think;

    -She is a fresh up and coming name who has already shown that she doesn't fall for "politics as usual"

    - She is a very conservative person, more so than McCain but the fact that she is a female seems to soften that appearance to more moderate or left leaning voters.

    -She has a tremendous approval rating because she has fought corruption within her own party.

    - Selecting her the day after Obama's "historic" speech dominated the media and hushed the Obamania.

  9. I had never even thought of that.  That is a d**n good question.  However, once she is chosen as VP running mate, I believe that she has to pass her duties to her Deputy Governor.  Could you imagine the aftermath of the scandal from something like that.  Regardless of her current position as Governor, I don't think that she would take such a chance on her political career as to be bamboozled like that.

  10. No. I think he chose her b/c she's:





    A maverick reformer (to rival Obama's "change" B.S.)

  11. I think you're right, but some other reasons were:

    To take the attention away from Obama's killer nomination acceptance speech.

    She's a woman.

    I'm a Ron Paul supporter too but I'll be voting for Obama because I couldn't stand to see McCain and this crazy Palin lady in power.

  12. He did not Choose her the Republican Party Sacrificed her.

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