
Do you think that McCain has hurt his campaign by choosing Palin?

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Do you think that McCain has hurt his campaign by choosing Palin?




  1. I do believe she has shown that they can talk the talk but she is walking the walk. She did a great job at the RNC.

  2. Definitely.  It is so obvious that he picked Palin simply to reel in the women's vote and its a move that reeks of desperation on McCain's part.  I'm all for having a woman as VP or as President but I'd like one with quite a bit more political experience than she does.  It's almost as if McCain picked someone politically inexperienced in order to be sure that she will fall in line with every single one of his policies.

    And while we really shouldn't bring the candidates children into the discussion, the news of her daughter's pregnancy just goes to show how much of a hypocrite Palin and other Republicans can be. They want to promote "traditional" family values and abstinence before marriage, yet you have a VP who's dealing with a  teen pregnancy.

    However, this is all good news for me since I'm voting for Obama anyway ;)

  3. He's finished his campaign by choosing her.

    This guy is a loose cannon.

  4. Nope, not at all. Just as Huckabee said, all of this negative attention by the liberal media has re-energized the republican party.  It is a great choice.

  5. I do now, even more than I did earlier tonight.

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