
Do you think that Microsoft issued a Violation Notice & Suspension to Yahoo last week, or what?

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Do you think that Microsoft issued a Violation Notice & Suspension to Yahoo last week, or what?




  1. Well that would be great if that happened as then the "faceless" ones who sit on the "Board of Morals" might know what it feels like to be so blighted.  I was actually wondering re the idea of Microsoft buying out Yahoo and wondering how such a thing might influence the rules of this forum.  I wish they'd review the community guidelines just to put a ban on real deviants, predators of children, etc. but let anyone say whatever comes into their head re religion, science, etc. and even make jokes, so disturbing the power of the possees(hey how do you spell this word - you know like in the Wild West the people forming a group to get on their horses and get the bad gun-slinging types) you know to help the Sheriff.  

    Wonder if those who run the show at Microsoft are fundamental types of people???  Hey if that notice was indeed issued just imagine the entire tribe of Thought Police would be as we speak in shock therapy.

  2. I have absolutely no idea.

    What has been with Yahoo lately? Its taken an average of three tries to access any question.

    Can they get a violation notice for 'taking a breather?'

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