
Do you think that Mike Tyson will ever fight again?

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And by "fight", I mean as a real boxer and not a wrestler or UFC fighter?

And would you like to see it?




  1. not unless they throw a lot of money at him

  2. he might if hte money is right but cmon he will never be the same fighter  like he was from the 80's

  3. no he is too old and has been away from boxing for too long. that and his disgraceful behavior before retirement are two strong reasons that boxing commission would never allow him to fight again. While boxing is a sport that the individual makes the choice to do the boxing commission still has an obligation to protect fighters as best as they can and allowing Tyson to fight again would not be doing that because he would get hurt at his age and b/c of being away from the sport for so long.

  4. Well, there were rumors that he was going to have a third fight with Evander Holyfield because they both said that they were open to the fight, but those talks have kind of quieted down recently.  It still may happen because there is a lot of money involved, but honestly, I really don't want to see Mike Tyson keep on embarassing himself.  He admitted after the loss to Kevin McBride that his heart has not been in boxing since 1990 and that he did not want to keep on disrespecting the sport the way he was.  That was the smartest thing that Tyson said in years and I hope that he remembers what he said and keeps his word.  Mike Tyson was an awesome phenomenon in his prime, but his time has passed a long time ago, and if he can't beat a club fighter like McBride, then there is no way that he can ever be a factor in the heavyweight division again.  His controversies are a dark cloud over his career, and if he came back again, he would most likely embarass himself again and diminish his legacy even more- and this is coming from a person who has never watched a prime Tyson live (I was born a year before he lost to Buster Douglas).  Its better to remember Mike in his prime as the awesome fighter that he WAS instead of remembering new memories showing how diminished a fighter he has BECOME.

  5. Who cares?

  6. Has he got a girlfriend.

  7. Not in any real kind of fighting.  He might show up in one of those rehersed bouts like WWE.  He'll be 42 in June.  His style is the First to age in boxing.  IOW,  fighters like Tyson, Frazier, Marciano and Dempsey lose what makes them great long before guys like Forman, Liston,  or Lewis.

    The first things a boxer loses are speed, timing, balance and agility.   A fighter like Tyson is a sitting duck without these.  Ali lost those attributes too but he was able to compensate.  

    The last thing a fighter loses is his power and endurance.  IF a man lives clean he's much stronger at 35 or even 40 than at 25.  That's why Ali 69-70 would have beaten Clay 64 had it not been for the exile.   You have the same speed because he would not have declined yet at that point.  The difference is that you have more power.

    This is also why George Forman was successful in his comeback.  Everyone over 40 thinks he can "pull a George".  Forman is built for this kind of thing.  He never took too much punishment during his young career and he lived clean during the 10 years he was away.  

    A guy like Tyson, who took a LOT of punishment, could not possibly perform at such a level.   Remember how Chavez walked through the bombs of Edwin Rosario?  Edwin was the hardest punching 135 in the world at the time but his bombs couldn't dent Chavez' steel jaw.  Then, years later, light punching Frankie Randall floors Chavez.  You KNOW it's time to hang it up at that time.

    Tyson had one of the best chins in boxing history.  However, there comes a time when you just can't take the pounding anymore.   Tyson is LONG past that time.

  8. He would never have the stamina to go for 10 rounds and if he was to Box again it would be a horrible match

  9. I'm surprised he isn't dead or in prison. He's more animal then man.

  10. nah he is too old and he is not in the best shape to box, he has back problems and knee problems, he is not as fast as he used to be, it would not be good for him to come back now.

  11. no hes hella old and stuff

  12. God, I hope not!

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