
Do you think that Obama is getting votes because he's black?

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Do you think that Obama is getting votes because he's black?




  1. ya and every celeberity loves him.

  2. yes

  3. if so, why? he's not really "black"

  4. Possibly.

    Do you think McCain is getting votes because he was a Vietnam POW, And White?

  5. Of course he is, don't be a fool.

  6. some. i heard tyra banks say that when obama got elected she cried cause he is african american. but does that mean she will vote for him cause he is black possibly.

    and the most racial person about the whole being black thing is obama  

  7. no , its more of anti bush . but as he accepted 50 million from big business , just as j mac has , they both will be beholden . for true change go nader .

  8. He gets as many votes "because he's black" as Clinton got "because she's white" or McCain will get "because he is white."

    h**l, the whole history of the US is the story of people getting votes "because they are white." And, "because they are men."

    The "ditto-heads" who believe that that fat druggy has an intelligent opinion like to claim that Obama is getting some kind of preferential treatment by voters (as a sort of collective affirmative action). But, putting it this way is far too simplistic, and it misses the larger context of US history: only white men have ever held executive office, and they still run US politics by holding the vast majority of political positions.

    Let's first address this bigger context: Have Americans traditionally voted for their political leaders "because they are white men," and do they continue to do so? Or conversely, are American leaders elected because of who they are not, "black men," "white women," or "black women"?


  9. Imagine this:

    Tomorrow, you were in a terrible car accident, you were found to be "at fault" the other driver and his family "died." (A part of you died, knowing that it was your fault, their dead)

    The member's family announces a major Law Suit against you!

    It would behoove you to find a very good attorney (one that you can afford) without jeopardizing your finances.

    What your going to need (your in a real pickle)

    - A "professional attorney" who has allot of "wins under his belt" COLOR***WILL NOT MATTER AT THIS POINT!

    - One whom has built great alliances, hopefully with the other party's attorney and or judge/officials

    - A very good speaker (convincing the whole court of your innocence)

    -A strategist type personality (shark)

    - You got the idea!

    The USA is in a baddd situation right now, we need someone to look at the national budget (Obama stated) "line by line" no other person has ever stated that.

    "Line by Line" suggesting to pull government monies that go into money pits, with no positive end result that help us.

    His determination is unsurpassed by anyone else! "Line by Line"

    Don't we deserve this type of representation?

    Don't we deserve someone to go thru everything with a fine tooth comb to find solutions to our shortages?

    Certain people are gifted with an ability to "go thru like a tornado looking for in-proprieties or inconsistencies, Obama is one of them.

  10. Obama will get votes for being black and he will not get votes for being black. I'm not saying that's right, but it's factual.

  11. Sure. Why not. Black people should get their voices heard as well.

    So many people are so hateful towards black people but I have never

    heard anybody ask when blood transfusions were needed: Who's blood has it been ?

    Think about it.



  12. There are always people who will vote for some one specifically for some petty reason.

    You will have some people who will vote for Obama simple because he is “black”, turn that around you will have some people who will  vote for McCain simple because he is white like white supremacists. Although one white supremacist said voting for Barrack would be good for them because he thinks it would cause a race war.

    There are people who will now vote for McCain simple because his running mate is a woman.  Then again there could be some people out there that dont think a woman should have such a high place of power and now vote against McCain. You have people who vote for someone because their name is familiar.

    There are people who make the vote decision based on that they truly feel that person is going to be the best of the job regardless of  any small factors.

  13. Actually I think yes. I think people are excited to have their first black president for a change, I'm sorry I'm not a racist but that's what I think...did I say the word think alot??

  14. Yes. That would be a fair statement when polls say that 92% of blacks are voting for Obama.

  15. I think Obama is getting tons of votes just because he's black

    I think Obama is NOT getting tons of votes just because he's black too

  16. We know Obama by now. Maybe some but Palin is a joke, I would not feel safe having her as president but Hilary is a different story

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