
Do you think that Palin's daughter being a pregnant teen will affect her campaign in a negative way?

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Do you think that Palin's daughter being a pregnant teen will affect her campaign in a negative way?




  1. No it will create sympathy and affect it positively.

  2. Yes. And rightly so.

  3. the people who don't like conservatives will bash her but people who are NOT hypocrites won't.

    the first time democrats start talking c**p about Palin's daughter,she has plenty of ammo to fire back at the democrats with.

    all the way from JFK, to Clinton.

  4. Even Obama said this is nonsense. Why the ultra liberal loons on the Left continue pursuing it is beyond thought.

  5. It should have no affect on her.  Her 17 year old is pregnant.  How many other 17 year olds have been  pregnant?  It shows she is human just like the rest if us.  I happen to think she is hiding nothing which makes me respect her more.

  6. Well, I hope not, from what I gather more people are identifying with her and think it's unfair for the left to use Palin's children in the campaign. It's not like this has been a secret. If people want to discuss teen pregnancy they can without all this high and mighty I gotcha stuff.

  7. It should do.

    In obama's acceptence speech last week he mentioned teenage pregnacy and abortion. Two issues that hit home in the Palin House hold.

    I think she should step off now. Why wait til october when the outcome of her very messy and public investigation into her "abuse of power" case goes against her.

    Now who's a reformist???

  8. Well yeah. It's going to split up the republican party. The conservatives are going to snub her, while the religious and liberal ones will embrace her.

  9. It really depends on how big a deal the media makes of it. Shows you what living in a conservative home leads too! But honestly if this woman can't even lead her redneck child how is she supposed to co-lead the country?  

  10. Yes.

  11. Yes. Senile old McCain just threw the election away.

  12. It depends. Many people consider choosing to keep the child the right thing to do. Also, anyone who has ever raised a child knows that it is not all smooth sailing. Teenagers are known for being troublesome.  

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