
Do you think that Palin is just McCain's desperate grab at the women's vote?

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Do you think that Palin is just McCain's desperate grab at the women's vote?




  1. Who cares.  I'm just looking forward to her upcoming appearances wearing those uber s**y glasses of hers.

  2. YES!!!

  3. No.... It's not a desperate anything... she appeals to Conservatives (both genders) and to anyone that appreciates someone who is an honest, get things done, despite the entrenched bureaucracies kind of person. And the left has already spewed there usual hate and vitriol and are using their normal tactics of lies, character assassination, slander, libel, and fabricated charges in lieu of rational factual discussion... sad... really sad.. but typical..

  4. Definitely

  5. If women supported other women like black people supported Obama, Hillary would have won the nomination-- no contest. As it turns out, women don't vote for candidates because they are female. I've even read surveys which showed that most women preferred male bosses over female ones. A lot of women are suspicious of other women who are in positions of power.

    Besides, it's mostly only liberals who reduce everything to gender and race. Everyone else has been over this years ago. It hurts the liberal rhetoric to move beyond the mentality of the 1960s.

  6. quite desperate actually!

  7. Obama went with Biden to try and snare white,blue collar voters who went with Hillary.  So........

  8. No, I think it was a shrewd political strategy that has worked since EVERYONE is talking about her.

  9. Yes, I do. And it's insulting to women that he would think he could get away with that. There are some women that will vote for him just because of his VP choice, but there are others who actually have their own beliefs and opinions about the way that this country should be run and won't change them just to get a woman as VP. It's an insult to our intelligence.

  10. fcking DUH!

  11. Yes. Have been digging for another answer and am not able to find one.


  12. Yes would be a good calculated guess

  13. No not at all!  Do your studies on this ticket and you will see she brings real change; unlike the opponent who demonstrated his change in picking the insider of all insiders; the third worst liberal of all times.

  14. ummm Yes I do.

    Every much so.

  15. Yes. And it will not work for him because Palin is an extremist who does represent the views of most women.  And further-she has none of the economic expertise that McCain needed to balance out his ticket.

    Definitely a move born out of desperation.

  16. Desperate? No

    Grab at womens vote? Yes, and its a great move!

  17. Well, the whole idea is to please as many people as possible, so I wouldn't call it desperate.

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