
Do you think that Palin is really proud about her 17yr old kid?

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Would you as a mother, be proud if your child came home pregnant? Obviously, this question is geared to those who have morals. If you don't have morals, don't bother answering.




  1. Of course I wouldn't be proud, but I'd be understanding and supportive. I would realize that everone makes mistakes and I would try not to be to judgemental. Maybe we should all remember that.

  2. her mother voted against and helped the bill to ban s*x education in schools be passed.

    what has she to be proud of she is directly to blame.

    the more the truth comes out the less i think she should be 2nd in command.

  3. May be and may be not...we are not to judge others.  She is coping with a situation that I hope to never have to be in however if I am I hope that I can be as loving and compassionate as she has been to her daughter.  You never know exactly how someone feels or reacts unless you are with them all the time...Children are gifts from God

  4. Sure.  Why not?  And as for your insinuation about morals, why do you think that you have a monopoly on the definition of moral standards?  Are you really that insufferably arrogant?

  5. Perhaps she is proud that her daughter is taking responsibility for her actions instead of killing her baby by abortion and not telling anyone like the planned parenthood folks would have her do.  This way, she can get the support she needs, and hopefully make the right decision by allowing the baby to be adopted by a two parent family who can best care for the infant.

    Any parent is disappointed when their child makes a bad decision and must live with the consequences.  Some consequences are minor, this one is life changing.  

  6. I don't think anyone would be. Her daughter has considerably lessened her own chances at succeeding in life, as well as her mothers chances of becoming vice president. I'm sure she still loves her daughter, but it would take a saint not to be annoyed and disapointed.

  7. Wow you're not judgemental at all, are you?  Yes, I think she is proud of her daughter.  She might wish that she had waited to become pregnant but it's too late to think "what if" now.  I don't think you have any right to judge her or her daughter- especially if you, yourself have had premarital s*x.  YOU could have gotten pregnant because no birth control is 100% except abstinence.  If you had, then what?  You would have gotten an abortion just because you're not married and it "looks bad?"  What kind of morals would YOU have?

  8. No I wouldn't be happy, but I would support them like Palin says she is doing with her daughter.  I feel really bad for her daughter that this whole thing is being talked about on tv, internet etc.  I think they should leave her alone- it has nothing to do with politics.  Leave the kids out of it.

  9. No.  

  10. my mother, when i told her i was pregnant at 16 <i was tricked by the ar*ehole b4 anyone has a go, and i wasn't going to check if he had one on. he was only my 2nd> wasn't proud but she wasn't nasty either, she was upset but she asked me what i wanted to do. she's a proud grandmother now and happy that she didn't influence my Decision. then again i helped her with my little bro when he was born <i was 11> and i have always been a mother at heart, and apart from trusting 'him' i have always been a mature person. i guess my mum knew that when i told her.

    as for 'lessening' my achievements etc, as soon as the new term started, i started back at college  part time. now I am going to college full time, my BF is working full time and my daughter will be joining a pre-school.

  11. I would be proud that she is choosing to grow up and take responsibility for her action.

    It has absolutely nothing to do with morals!  Their are a million teens getting pregnant right now this one is getting so much attention because democrats see an opportunity to bash republicans..

    Give me a break!

  12. No I wouldn't be proud of her being pregnant but I would stand by her and love the new baby with all my heart.  

  13. As a mother, I won't be proud if my child comes home pregnant but I won't be nasty/yelling/shouting/punishing/beating... anything stupid, either. My child has a small chance of coming home pregnant before she is at least 20 because she knows about condoms, knows about birth control, isn't stupid and has been raised normal, not like Americans raise their kids be puppies. My daughter is 10. She doesn't have s*x yet but I approve of s*x with someone you love and someone who loves you in your teen years - which means age 13 and above.

  14. I would say not.. Also go to perez hiltons web site and see the pics of her  (palin's daughter )drinking... She's a winner, . I bet money that  Palin will soon be dropping out of this race. She needs to focus on other things like her parenting skills.

  15. who is Palin?

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