
Do you think that Planet X will really hit the earth in 2012?

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I don't know if you know, but scientists counted out that in 2012 Planet X is going to hit the Earth. It's about size of the Jupiter. However I came to the conclusion that this can't happen since both, sun and plante x will be way too far from us, so the gravity isn't going to have any effect. Also they built a satelite that is going to push it away slightly, and we might just be able to see it in 2012 passing us by.

Well, if we die, we have the same chance as Britney Spears or Gerard Way :p




  1. I hope not!

    Thats the year i'm sapposed to graduate!

  2. no

  3. Protoplanet x already hit planet x long ago.



    OH well. if its true i can mess around in highschool as much as i want Lol,

    The end will come when the person with the one eye comes claiming to be god ;O

  5. No, I personally don't think it'll hit the earth. It'll fly by just as it comes.

  6. There are many theories about the end, and idk, just live now.

  7. lets hope not

  8. well, i heard about something with 2012... my 18th birthday!!!!!

  9. is this really true ,i watch the news daily and i never heard about this thing

  10. supposedly that is the same year the mayans believe there will be an Apocalypse on december 21, 2012 or there will be a shift in the conscious mind

  11. isn't that the planet Duck Dodgers claimed for the Earth in search of the elusive shaving cream atom?

  12. no.

  13. Hmm, well if it does.. would that not be fun?

    death of humanity in a year divisible by 4, and is even, hurray.

    and if it doesnt?

    The people who reacted will seem as crazy as those who reacted during y2k.

  14. That's actually a funny question, because, people for many different religious beliefs have said that the world will come to an end, on December 27th 2012. They say that because that is when the ancient myan callendar ends. So maybe it's true. funny coincidence isn't it?

  15. two things, one the thing thats might hit the earth in twenty twelve is an asteroid and has to hit a two meter wide window or its would miss completely, also, its been in the news very little because the odds are astronomical that anything will pass through exactly the right point in space with all the universe for it to travel through, and also, planet x is a planet that astronomers havent named or classified yet, and it didnt kill the dinosaurs, and theres a meusuem exibit in the smithsonian about it, they arent making any attempt to hide it

  16. ... No.. it will not hit the earth, a few months back.. sadly, me and a few friends sat around a theorized about that.. it could never happen. and if it dose.. it dosn't really matter cause Everyones gona die  

  17. I highly doubt it. I have found that people have been predicting horrible and just awful things about the earth for years now. So far, we are still alive; so I am not worried about it at all.

  18. I actually have to be honest and say I have never heard about that happening. Unless it is about that supposed "end of the world" which I don't want to believe. lol. :)

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