
Do you think that Ramadaan is more difficult for adult women than it is for men?

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I have been thinking about my mom, and how difficult it must be for her. Both my parents fast, but it must be harder for her. She is the one who has to cook all that delicious smelling food without even tasting it. Also, she has to make meals for the little ones and watch them eat without eating herself. She has to take one week out of the fasting when she is "unclean". This may make it sound easier, but it is not if you think about it. When Ramadaan is completed, she will still have to fast for one week at a different time when everyone else is not fasting. She will have to prepare meals for my father and the rest of us kids while she fasts. Also, when she had my brother he was being fed by her. She did not fast during this time to insure that he had all the vitamins and water he needed. She had her fast when he was no longer fed by her. I wonder if it has occurred to other guys, and if they like me think it must be harder for women in general.




  1. salam alaikum brother,

    for that reason .. it was said" the heaven under mothers feet "  "الجنة تحت أقدام الأمهات"

    it is great how u care so much about ur mother -jazak allah khair- so try helping her out by doing the simple things like setting the table, helping her around the kitchen, cleaning around or anything ur capable of  like cooking the meal once a week if u can !

    or u can pray and say dua for her and ask allah to give her strength to do all that !

    mashalah ur mother sounds great "allah yatiha alafia" (may allah give her strength)

  2. Well if your mom is diabetic, it couldn't be good so watch her closely.

    Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslims!


    Christian Brothers and Sisters.

    God Bless.

  3. Wow I'm so impressed that you, as a male in general, have thought into so much detail into this. sorry i don't mean to sound so rude. but mashaAllah, good on you for actually thinking of all this. Of course it is harder for a woman for all the reasons u stated. A man (normally) just sits and waits for his food to be given to him, the lady is left to make the food etc. Allah will reward her surely inshaAllah.  

  4. It's harder for my dad/bros cause they have to wake up early in da morning  5:00 n go to work n stay up all these hours but the rest of us can wake up anytime n the days go by quicker

  5. yeah, how right you are. Many women also state how its "unfair" that women cannot fast when they are "unclean" but really ask any women if they would be able to fast during such a week. I know that the pain is unbearable and well... Sometimes people dont think. But yes it is harder for women and then even harder for mothers. Maybe thats why the door to heaven lies at your mother's feet.

  6. why do not you just help your mom in the kitchen?

  7. Salam for you.Yes I agree with you,but your father should help her for cooking or washing  in the kitchen and also for giving eating to your little brother/sisterIn line with hadits of Muhammad pbuh a mother who prepared foods and drinks during ramadan for sahoor and iftar will be given more rewards by Allah.

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