
Do you think that Sarah Palin as V.P. for McCain, is a threat to the Obama camp?

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I do...She can bring so much more to the Presidency! They are biting their nails! I just Barack Obama on Foxnews...he looks worried, and he no longer has that smug look on his face!




  1. Doubt it. Reasons:

    1) Barack is swaying old Hilary supporters

    2) Palin is under investigation for abusing her power in office

    3) Biden could use that against her in future speeches

    4) She may swing few old Hilary supporters, but maybe not many

    5) She's REALLY inexperienced because she has barley warmed her seat as GOVERNOR and isn't even a SENATOR

  2. Are you kidding?  McCain's pick for VP is a joke.  McCain looked more uncomfortably nervous than Obama today.  

  3. It might.  But its a huge gamble for McCain.

    McCain has only used one attack against Obama so far, and that is the inexperience attack.

    Which he just undercut by selecting someone with even less experience.  He might try to counter that she has the judgement, but then that only strengthens Obama's argument that judgement is at least equal, if not better, than experience.

    And once you get to that point, Obama can point out McCain's lack of judgement in siding with Bush so many times.  McCain loses his advantage in experience by going with Palin, and may lose even more in the judgement question.

    And he took this gamble solely to appeal to Hilary Clinton's supporters.  If it works, its a good idea.  But if it backfires in the experience question, it could cost him any chance of winning the Presidency.

    He has put all his eggs in Palin's basket.  That is a very tall order for one as inexperienced in politics as she is.  From what I've seen so far (which is one entire day of coverage), she can handle it.  But it only takes one mistake, however intentional or unintentional, to end his run.

  4. Like what? The inexperience that Mcain has been interrogating Obama about. I personally think that the Obama/Biden ticket is stronger and they should be happy that Mcain made such a terrible pick for VP.

  5. I think the Obama bin Biden is complety freaking out right now.  

  6. did you know a fox news commentator today said that Sarah Pulin has to have foreign policy experience, her state is right next to Russia.  I laugh when ppl use fox news as their sources sometimes, you realy have to be really ignorant to believe it. LOL

  7. He's hoping that hillary clinton supporters don't dump him, again.

    Looks like now he really is hoping.

  8. Stop Lying he had a slight grin on his face and he congratulated one in the Obama camp is worried we are HAPPY Thank you Mccain

  9. Yep, they are all scared and they should be.  I wasn't planning on voting before today, and now I have changed my mind.

  10. ABSOLUTELY. She's experienced unlike the ambitious DEM Presidential Nominee who hadn't even warmed his seat at the Senate when he was all campaigning to be President. He doesn't like to work, a 20-year POW (Prisoner-of-Wright).

  11. Although the prospect of this utterly insane far-right moron becoming president in a few years is obviously a threat to me, you and humanity in general, I think that the American public will show a degree of intelligence in November and consign this laughable decision to history.

  12. she is the nail in his coffin and he is smart enough even without the prompter to see the writing on the way  

  13. No not at all - I should go back to work 1 day after having a baby - excuse me?? Hillary's supporters will never support this Anti-feminist.

    Most of her "executive experience" is running the town of 9,000 in Alaska she's been Gov. less than two years!!  

  14. No, they are seeing the desperation in McCain's eyes.  Sad but true.

  15. If we'd really like to permanently remove 'smugness' from the presidency, we'll need to focus on the one entity that can not only overpower the Executive branch but, with our (and our States') approval, can ratify such Amendments are necessary to check the court and keep it in balance.

    That one entity?

    The Gap!


    It's the Congress. Hire and fire until THEY are in tune with US.


  16. h**l no he isn't.

    biden has the ability to be president--obama is not stupid.  because of biden's experience and views, that is who is going to get obama in the whitehouse. biden will teach him everything he knows and he will teach biden everything he doesn't....which ain't much.

    obama and biden are laughing at mccain's desperate rash republican or democrat wants the prospect of an american president who opposes the right to choose AND is against g*y rights....especially not someone with 2 years in politics who's is a self proclaimed hockey mom...get real people...a 72 year old sick man and an unknown female with 2 years experience?? in the world is mccain going to survive those thing is for sure, he can't keep referring to obama's "inexperience," as he put it, without explaining his inexperienced candidate...mccain has literally "given" this election to obama.

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