
Do you think that Sarah Palin is just what we need in this election?

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I think it's great that McCain has finally given us a woman to vote for who women will be happy to vote for! I just could never see myself voting for Hillary, she wasn't like me at all. But Sarah Palin is pretty much perfect... a mom with kids, PTA, rising above corruption to become the Governor. I really am happy to have this choice to vote for...finally a woman who we can all be proud to cast our vote for. Good job, McCain!




  1. I find it absolutely baffling that McCain has had only one brief meeting with Palin before choosing her as his running mate. This was clearly a last minute decision and a knee jerk reaction to the Obama attention from the night before. This is an irresponsible and reckless decision, he hardly even knows her. He’s selection shows me what type of president he will be, decisions will not be made with careful consideration and diplomacy but instead, quick gut reactions will lead the way. Listen, I’m not undermining Palin’s accomplishments, I congratulate her on her historic achievement. However McCain is simply using her as a chess pawn.

    I also don’t agree with her policies and views:

    1. She is pro-war.

    2. She is opposed to reproductive rights for women.

    3. She doesn’t believe in global warming.

    4. She supports big oil and wherever they chose to drill.

    5. She’s a lifetime member of the NRA.

    6. She’s opposed a clean water initiative.

    7. She sued the federal gov. for listing polar bears as an endangered species (why? cause you can’t drill for oil when animals are occupying the land) she’s against wildlife protection.

    …It’s true they would’ve never selected her, if she were a man, it’s pretty insulting to think a position was given to you simply due to your gender…what a gimmick.

    Obama/Biden 08

  2. Women are generally liberal. Not all, but most. They won't be conned into voting for a conservative because she's a woman.

  3. Here is the info on her stand (or lack of it) on the issues:

    And here is what Alaskans think of this choice:

  4. I think she's pretty hot.  I may actually vote Republican this election.  

  5. PTA?  You're kidding, right?

  6. She made had shaken up the election a little but believe me it not that must.  Everyone knows why McCain select a woman at the very LAST MINUTE....  He wants woman like you to be blind by his reason.  Don't get me wrong, I would have perfer a woman but not for political gain or spotlight.  Yes she probably a good mother but believe me she's not the average working that INVOLVE with her children.  Remember she is a Governor.  Her time is the people of the ALASKA.  This woman probably has a governess who is more involve with her childern.  So how does she govern the people of ALASKA and her family?  God forbid if something happens to McCain, how she's going to run the USA.?  McCain did what he did because he's just scare.  You think he's about women of the USA..

  7. Yes, it got everyone's mind off of Barack Hussein!!!!  Good job, John McCain!

  8. I am really happy that McCain gave you a sexist card to play.  

  9. you have problems...its not about being a woman! politics has no race nor gender. hillary has children, has been a governor and shes a senator [[ you obviously dont kno that a senator is above a governor ]] she has less experience then obama, biden, and mccain. when mccain dies we would be helpless because she has 5 kids one with downsyndrom and no nanny. shes all talk no action if your gonna vote merely because she has a v****a dont vote at all your a disgrace to feminist  

  10. John McCain selects Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, as Vice President.

    John McCain selects Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, as Vice President.

  11. Absolutely. Sarah Palin brings the McCain out from under the doldrums and dispels the "business as usual" diatribe that

    forms the basis of Obama's running platform.

  12. She's a strong woman for sure.   I like her well enough.   Best part is the strategic maneuvering.   She's got people talking once again about Obama's lack of experience.  The Democrats are trying to attack her on it but they end up having to defend their candidate in terms of inexperience.  NOBODY is talking about Obama's speech anymore.  McCain's gone head to head with Obama's change with this move.   She could turn out to be brilliant.  Romney still would've been the safer choice but she's a least got people talking and thinking and she's got the Dems. scrambling.

  13. So you would eagerly support a woman who aims to take your rights to choose, your rights to having an abortion in an emergency, equal pay rights and the right to vote?

    Where's the logic in that?

  14. I think she helps..

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