
Do you think that Sarah Palin should be running for VP when she has a 4-month old?

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I thought the Reps were for family values? I wouldn't run for office with a 4 month old because I would need to help my wife take care of the 4 month old, especially if it needed even more specialized care, as her baby has downs. What type of message does this send to Americans?




  1. Why not?  Obama's running for President, and he has a 7- and 10-year-old.  Those kids need a lot of care and attention, too.  In fact, I'm wondering why they weren't in school during the first week of school.

  2. Yeah I agree with what Eric E said. Also, she has successfully portrayed the image of a typical American mom with a typical American family dealing with real issues. Her decision to keep/raise a baby with down's syndrome is highly praised by pro-lifers.  

  3. it sends the message that we aren't in the middle ages anymore and that women are powerful enough to raise a family and keep up with a career.

    Sarah Palin is a role model.

  4. Ja whol, mein heir!

    Vomen should be in der kitchen!

    Auchtung!  Put her back in der bed-chamber.   Or some other chamber.  

    Vote for a Democrat, bitte.   Seig, heil!!!

  5. That a woman can have a career and a man can stay home.

    If it were her husband running would you ask this? No.  

  6. Message is simple. A woman today can have a family and a career. Ask any successful working woman.

  7. YES, but do you think the Obama's should eat fetuses.

  8. What type of message does Obama lying send to Americans?

    Audrey Z, fantastic answer :), you too SCF.

  9. That doesn't matter, but she shouldn't be running because she wants to abuse her powers as she did in Alaska!

  10. So what your saying is that because she has a 4 month old she can't hold the office of VP? Your a Democrat right? Well I thought you would be all for her being VP. You guys are such hypocrites.

  11. Personally, I admire her and from what I have read, her husband is there to pick up the slack.  

  12. She'll soon be a grandmother, too: Her 17-year-old unwed daughter is preggers and plans to keep the baby.  What was that you said about family values?!

  13. Its a family issue not a political one. She can handle both otherwise she would have not accepted the vp.

  14. That it's win at any cost even if your running mate has a pregnant 17 year old.  Ohhh look they have Family Values they don't abort there kids. Well someone should have told Mama she was to old to be making any more babies and that same person should have tought the 17 year old to keep her legs closed, before she gets married. If you are going to preach it, ya better be able to walk it!

  15. If  man had  4 month old would you be saying he shouldn't run for office?

    However it it hilarious that she will have a grandchild who is only a year younger than her own kid.  

  16. Oh, don't be so silly!

    Rich Repbulicans hire illegal immigrants to take care of such things.

  17. She shouldn't be running at all. She's too inexperienced, has a newborn baby, and has a pregnant 17 year old daughter.

  18. She is still good to be VP. This Georgia Girl is in love with McCain and cant wait to see him take office. McCain will be as true to American as George Bush. Keep our country safe, fight the terrorist and show the world the face of true America. McCain 2008!

  19. d**n skippy...good point. I have a four month old...I shouldnt even be wasting my time to give my opinion on this cause he's screaming right now..Luckily one of us can stay at home but we dont have 4 other kids to take care of either (nor one expecting) but the point is kids need both parents and they cant be flying all over the country (at that age) to promote family values/pro life message if they have responsibilities at home.

    there's also the flying from texas to wasilla ....delay of 9 plus hours after she admitted she had begun to go in to long as were talking about mothering parenthood ad judegement

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