
Do you think that Skull and Bones has any Christian Principles ?

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Most of our leaders in the last 50 years have been members of Secret Societies. Including Bilderberg, CFR, and the Tri-Lateral Commission. Not to mention what Nixon called "the most ***** godammed thing you ever saw" *The Bohemian Club" which is meeting right now near San Francisco...Most 20th century US Presidents have attended their retreats (men only) and as far as I know whites only.




  1. I know these clubs exist, I don't think they are secret though. There has been a lot of press and books about them.  And I am sure members have come foward and talked about the groups they belong to. I really think that this is not neccessarily a serious group though. I think it is tongue in cheek all of the rituals.

  2. The Bohemian Club is all-male, but it is not whites-only.  I personally know a member who is Chinese-American.  But you're right, they stand for little more than their own wealth and power.  Of the groups you mention, this is the only one I find truly despicable.

    Bilderberg is not a secret society.  Neither is the Trilateral Commission.  Neither is the Council on Foreign Relations.  The membership lists for all three groups are readily available, as are the details of their activities.

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