
Do you think that Stephanie Meyer should write another book?

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i dont think that the way Breaking Dawn ended really ended the story. there are so many things still left to discuss like Bella's journey as a vampire and renessme's growth and relationship with Jacob...etc




  1. I think so, but you don't want it to be too much where it just drags on and on, you know? She is writing "Midnight Sun" which is Twilight from Edward's point of view. I think, depending on how well that book does, she will continue writing the entire series from his prospective. She is a fantastic author so I hope she does write more in the future : )

  2. i think she should be banned from ever writing anything ever again.

  3. StephEnie Meyer.

    It bugs me to no end when her name is mispelled.

    And yes i do think she should. And as other ppl have pointed it out she is. Its called Midnight Sun and its Twilight from Edwards perspective. She is also *considering* writing Host sequels. And she also *wants* to write a book about a ghost.

    SM is an amazing writer and whatever published work she has i will buy. Hardcover in all.  

  4. I guess. I don't really care if she does or not. If she doesn't she doesn't, if she does, she does.  


  6. Sure,why not?

  7. She already has one in the making called Midnight Sun which is Edward's view on Twilight. She also wrote a book called "The Host"

  8. Yes.

    I love her style of writing and the way she brings across situations in her books.

  9. I agree, the book did not conclude what it started itself, let alone what occurred in the entire saga. Stephenie Meyer should definitely write another book, something which will prove that Twilight is most definitely at it's end, something which will not leave us fans wondering what will happen. Perhaps we should all write to her, and explain our thoughts, although I am curious to see how Midnight Sun turns out.

  10. yes of course!!! and thank goodness she is!!!!  she says she has many stories that she wants to write, in fact, i would thoroughly enjoy if she does the ENTIRE twilight series from edward's perspective!

    but the one story that i do hope that she gets around to writing is leah's story.

  11. SHOULD she?  Yes.  It's obvious she enjoys writing.  She should write as much as she wants, and if she can get it published all the more power to her.  After all, nobody is forcing anyone else to read her stuff, so it doesn't really affect anyone except those who voluntarily open it, right?  

  12. for sure yeahhh! haha. i feel empty with the series over. =P

    she says that she's trying to get midnight sun done and that she'll publish it whenever she's ready. there's no deadline for it and its not in her contract to finish it with her current agent.

    go onto and click 'twilight saga' and then 'midnight sun' for more info!

  13. Nope.

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