
Do you think that Trinidad and Tobago would be better off as a British colony?

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  1. No.

    As an independant nation, we have our own constitution, our own laws, out own treasury, etc.

    We dont have to depend on anyone to provide money for us, or to set our laws, or anything liek that.

    We can manage our own financial system, such as income and expedenture, manage the strenght of our currency, manage our own development, etc.

    Were better off managing our own country.

    But we would be better off without manning.

    Happy Independence day to everyone!!!!!

  2. yes and we should give back the base to Uncle Sam too..... naaaah you crazy !

  3. i agree with trinisam 100%!!

    everyone of his points made sense...

  4. No

  5. Absolutely not!

    Trinibago people too boldface to stand up and take ah next country dictating tings and having control ova de oil, natural gas, and the rest ah de sweetness Sweet T&T has to offer.

    The only incentive is an increase in the value of currency.

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