
Do you think that US can ever recover from current economic crisis and become economic super power again?How?

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Do you think that US can ever recover from current economic crisis and become economic super power again?How?




  1. stop being a busy body and mind his own business

  2. Yes, but people need to get there heads outta the sand and wake up. Too much Kool Aid drinking going on.

  3. Well, we WILL need something to bail us out. Our main problem right now is foreign debt, which was all bought up by China some time ago. So since we are paying China to technically get out of this hole, we will not be THE economic superpower for a while.

  4. No. It seems highly unlikely since the U.S. has been steadily losing out to global competition. Our government is too interwined with corporate interests that are often times at odds with the American people. Energy is the likely new sector per my husband. But I am really angry. We can and should be doing better. But too many people deny and just bury their heads. We are the Divided States of America,  not the United States of America. The corporations began it with high government influence. The American people said ok because they bought into the lies and propaganda. The real picture was not balanced enough. We are in deep trouble. Many people will suffer and die because of GREED.

  5. NO! sorry babylon is fallin just like any other empire

    so dont be so naive to think it cant happen to amerikkka.

  6. the us went thru the economic crisis in the 1930s so yes i think they can.(i am from canada and the canadian ecomoy depend on the us economy a lot)

  7. sure.  it will require the citizens to focus on sound economic and spending policies when they go to the polls.  Americans need to understand that a war like the one Bush has waged in Iraq was not paid for, and once it became apparant that it would take a long long time and cost massive amounts of money for dubious benefit, we needed to assert our demands to end the war on an economic basis, long before now.

    It will require americans to live within our means, adjusting our expectations and reliance on government programs over time, to the point where we are more resilient to the periodic shifts in economic fortunes that come with the normal cycles of economic activities, so that we do not have long term structural deficits.  this means a higher rate of savings, and more rational consumer decisions.

  8. Yes.  But we need to change our energy consumption drastically.  SUVs and large pickups are not sustainable economically, and they're not used much in the rest of the world.  They put us at a huge disadvantage economically.  Another thing we need to do is improve our education, focusing on competitive fields such as science and engineering.  Many engineering jobs go unfilled because the US does not graduate enough engineers, and the number of immigrant engineers is capped pretty low.  Eventually the engineering firms are going to go where the engineers are; that is, China and India.

    The worst thing we can possibly do is to quit international trade and become isolationist.   That would raise prices by a lot, and likely, for every job that is regained, another, high-paying job in an export industry will be lost.  Not to mention that it would kill the world economy and force millions of people back into subsistence farming.

  9. super power again? The US economy is still by far the giant of the world. People here are still living better and average then anywhere in the world, if you are talking about being able afford to buy things.

  10. Sahara has good points, i think we could but it would take several steps including becoming an isolationist nation once again,also recalling all the loans we have out,and bringing the jobs back to America and stop farming out the work we could do our self

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