
Do you think that a big baby born to a small woman means...?

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that your child will develop diabetes?

I am 5"5 (almost, 5"4 3/4), and I had an 8.11 pound baby, 21 inches long. My husband is about 5"9, my parents are both tall, mom is 5"11, dad 6"2 and my husbands parents are shorter 5"2 mom and 5"6 dad.

The reason I ask this is because my mom has told me that small woman that have big babies have a higher chance of their children getting diabetes. I find this utterly ridiculous. Diabetes runs in my family, my father had it and so did his father and my aunt has diabetes. I told her if he does get diabetes it would probably be because it is hereditary. And I believe the reason our son is big is because I was a big baby, 10 pounds, 22 inches and because of the height on my side of the family. I have 5 sisters and they are all well over 5"7, one is 5"10.

Anyhow, I am curious to see what other people think of this. I have looked on line and cannot really find anything to support what my my says.

What is your opinion?




  1. Your mom is completely wrong.  The size of the baby has nothing to do with developing diabetes later in life or even with being overweight later in life.  I think that your baby's size had to do with your own genetics (as you mentioned), and I also think that you must have taken good care of yourself and eaten properly during your pregnancy in order to have such a healthy sized baby.  8.11 pounds is just perfect!  It sounds to me like you are a good mother who is well-informed about health related issues, and that tells me that your baby should grow up to be healthy.

  2. I am 5'8", 130lbs,  and my son was 10lbs 7oz at birth. Our neighbor is a nurse and said that when a woman has large babies, it could be an indication that she herself could develop diabetes later on in life... which could be a possibility for me, as diabetes run my family as well.

  3. No, Ive always heard that bigger ladies that get pregnant have a higher chance of getting gestational diabetes and then they have bigger babies and those babies have a chance of having diabetes. Ive never heard that about smaller women, maybe she was just confused.

  4. I am 5'  nothing and my weight was  102 when I got pregnant with my first child. He weighted 10# -13oz and was 24" long. The Doctors ran diabetic  tests on me saying that when a small women has a large baby then it could mean she was diabetic. I tested pre - diabetic. So yes, I have always heard that.  That was in 1976. So you should have tests for you not the baby. You did say it was in your history. So keep watch. Excessive thirst on your part, extra running to the bathroom. Sudden drop in weight or weight gain. Diabetes is one of the "silent killers" so please ask your doctor about testing for yourself.  

  5. I can relate! I'm 5'2 and my boyfriend is 5'6. There are a lot of short people in our family, too. (the only difference is that there is no history of diabetes in our family). Our baby was full term and weighed 8lbs 10oz!

    I wouldn't worry unless your doctor seems worried! Just be aware (as I am sure that you are) that diabetes runs in your family, so it is that much more important that he leads a healthy life.

    Btw, My boyfriend sometimes (jokingly) asks who the *real* father is, since we are both so tiny. I tell him  that it was a moose. He had huge mooscles and a moostache.

  6. toma, that usually is the case.  A baby born to a small mother usually grows up to be tall and healthy.  That seems to be the case around here anyway.  Good luck to you and your baby toma!!!

  7. I doubt it, my son doesn't have diabetes, he was 8 lb 12 ounces 21 1/2 inches long and my other son was 8 lb 11 ounces.  Maybe much later in life your child will get it, but as for right now just enjoy being a mom.  

  8. I think she's wrong. I am five two, my boyfriend is only 5' 5",  I had a baby girl who was nine pounds, five ounces, 21 inches long. I ate healthy, didnt gain too much weight & all my blood work was normal. She is very healthy and both of us still have no signs of diabetes. I agree with you, if your child does end up with diabetes, it's hereditary.


  10. no

    I'm 5' 3", 105 lbs.  My last baby was 9 lbs.  No signs of diabetes.

    breastfeed.  that will lower the risk of diabetes.

  11. well that isn't as silly as it sounds. i had a 10 pound 6 baby and when i asked my doctor about it he told me that when babies are born a bit bigger than expected they do tend to think its because of high sugar levels during pregnancy, but it usually means the mum is at risk of developing diabetes not the bub. i had my usual glucose test and it came back fine, so my dr says I'm just predisposed to having big babies, but my first was only 5'9 then 6'7 then 7'14, and now 10'6 so i think ( and I'm by no means a dr, lol) we just have bigger babies each time, i also think some women just have bigger babies and that those babies are perfectly healthy. my sis has diabetes and she was only 6 pound, my brothers fine and he was 9'7.  so no i don't think bigger babies will be predisposed to diabetes but its defiantly something the mum has to watch for in subsequent pregnancies.

  12. i think that is absolutely ridiculous!  Usually womenwho have gestational diabetes have very large babies but that doesn't necessarily mean the baby will have diabetes.. that allhas to do with genetics

  13. No, my mom was 5"1 and 95 lbs when she had my 10 lb brother. He has no signs of diabetes. That does sound ridiculous.  

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