
Do you think that a full moon has any influence on spirits?

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When people go to investigate haunted they consider what phase the moon is in when they plan their investigation? Do you think that spirits/ghosts would be more likely to "come out" when it 's a full moon...or almost no moon visible?




  1. I suspect it's not any particular phase of the moon, so much as that each phase exerts influence in different ways.  Full moon the sun and moon are directly opposite one another with the earth in between.  The gravity of each is influencing all manner of things on earth, each pulling different directions.

    During dark moon the moon is more-or-less between the earth and the sun, both pulling the same direction.  During the interim phases they aren't opposite, or 'helping' one another, but each is exerting an influence.

  2. Well, according to all the ancient wizards and wisemen it does.

  3. There's a show on the biography channel tonight ay 6PM eastern time answering this exact same question. The synopsis is: Dogs howl at it, and werewolves emerge to it. Farmers and fishermen plan their work by it. Witches worship it, and neo-Pagans wed during it. You may dismiss the moon's mythical power, but science is proving that violence, lust, death, birth, disease, and lunacy (from the Latin for moon) increase with the gravitational pull of a full moon. Go the listings here for more details

  4. The spirits continue to sit on the shelf at the liquor store, regardless of the phase of the moon.

    There are no haunted places. Ghosts, ghoulies and spirits are fictional entities.

  5. i doubt spirits and such are real, but if they are then i would guess yes.

  6. Yes ghosts and spirits are delusions resulting from paranormal energy fields that surrounds the haunted places. And believe me when i say that nothing is scarier than getting trapped in a realm puzzled with mutually contradictory delusions. These force fields are the results of distortions created by the mind's mysterious power during the last desperate moments of  agony in his/her life by the person whose you believe the ghost is. This (dimensional or force field or whatever...i dont know) distortion persists long after the person dies. This can be felt only by people who has minds sensitive enough to feel these force fields. The influence of these force fields could scare the victim, subconsciously triggering her inner psychic abilities which might cause further unexplainable and unpredictable developments, causing harm to the victim.

    All living beings are affected by moons cycle and moon controls emotions...something that makes our mind more sensitive towards these paranormal energy fields, thus intensifying our experience of ghosts or spirits.

  7. Yes.   During a full moon & very stong in the winter time.

  8. A great many groups include the phase of the moon in their investigation reports. I myself report it (because people would ask) but never planned an investigation around it.

    I don't know of any research done on moon phases and paranormal experiences but it would be interesting.

    It's also hard to believe that research hasn't been done at least by an amateur that couldn't get it published.

    Anyone know any research like this?


  9. activity that our group seems to be a bit better when there is a full moon.

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