
Do you think that a woman in her 30s participating in a pageant for married women is a stupid idea?

by  |  earlier

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She would be going into this with the idea that it is all in fun, kind of like a sport.





  2. Absolutely not!  35 is the most beautiful age for a woman to be, according to a poll taken recently.  And it's fun - she'll get to know a lot of other women her age.

  3. no thats kinda cool

  4. No, sounds fun.

  5. If it is your thing then go for it, but I think ANY female or male competing in pagaents is not a good idea.  I hate the way they perpetuate the idea that looks are more important than other qualities. And yes I know they have a talent portion and questions, but do you really think that you win based on that?  i just want society to be more accepting and peaceful towards people of all shapes, sizes, and colors, religions.

  6. No why would it be stupid? It sends the message that you don't need to be a teenager to be beautiful.

    Plus those pageants are usually much more fun and less competitive than regular pageants.

  7. i am VERY feminist and i believe little girls and young women in pageants are wrong cuz they make them feel like they are just some show trophy BUT a married woman who obviously cant be molded by others opinions so easily might need this extra boost to her ego

    1> shedoestt flirt anymore so shedoestt get the fulfillmentt of other guys finding her attractive

    2> if she has children then a lot of time they themselves go and this will give a reason to be pretty and feel pretty

    3> its THIER choice to join its not forced upon them like it is on little kids

    i can think of many reasons why a WOMAN benefit

    from this

  8. She would be encouraging superficiality in herself.  There would be other things she could do that would encourage qualities that have deeper value.

  9. Not at all! Why not? If she thinks she'll have fun with it than it's a great experience and something fun to say that she did!

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