
Do you think that a younger woman who marries an older man is just using him to get ahead in life?

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like a 20 something yr. old who is trying to make it married to a successful 50 something year old.




  1. No.  Some older men aren't any better off than the younger ones.  Hopefully, they are financially settled at any age.  Some men are just not grown up at any age.  Some men never become responsible.  Hopefully, they marry for love, because that is what lasts.

  2. Not in every case but I do believe, based on what I have seen that a woman a decade or more younger than her betrothed husband to be...does indeed have her own agenda in mind.  

  3. alot of the time yes but not all the time there are still a few women who aren't gold diggers  

  4. Love is blind... it sees age not!

    But if it is not out of love, it's got to be calculation.

  5. make sure you clean your fingernails so its not so obvious what your digging for

  6. Not always, my parents have a difference of 10 years between their ages, and they definitely don't use eachother for money. Most people do though.

    Answer this:;...

  7. probably (at that age difference) but not all the time

  8. Mine was! Now BROKE, I can not even afford to file bankruptcy, yet she is using the money she SWINDLED me out of to retain lawyers who are assisting her in her efforts to STAY in this country so she can continue to CON others out of their money too!

  9. No, I know plenty of women who are married to older men, and sometimes the younger wife has the majority of the money (resources).

  10. Maybe he is just using her to have a young trophy wife on his arm?? You never know!  I don't know she could seriously love him and having someone that is settled and successful and emotionally mature would be just some really good side benefits.  Plus older men are s**y as he**.

  11. No not always.  


  12. Not necessarily.  I do, however, believe that both are probably lacking something to marry one another.  Age gaps that large might indicate a woman who isn't very secure in herself and wants a father-type figure there to guide her.  A man marrying a woman that much younger is possibly interested in presenting an image of youthfulness, as in "see, I'm still young... I snagged a wife who's 30 years younger than me".  Don't get me wrong, I think there can be couples with age gaps who are in it for all the right reasons.  An age gap as large as the one you've noted generally indicates that someone isn't there just because they're perfectly compatible.  They're probably using it to meet some other need, real or perceived.

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