Due to a teenage pregnancy, I dropped out of school and gave birth. I decided to have an informal type adoption with a family member from the father's family, who requested that I maintain zero contact, which I agreed. After going to night school, I finally made it to college, graduated and became financially successful as the child grew up to be a 20-year old. Upon hearing of my wealth, the 20-yr. old suddenly became "interested" in meeting with me. I discovered he was unemployed and had a long police record with drug use and assaulting a policeman. His "interest" in me, however, suddenly diminished when he realized that he wasn't going to get any cash, which he asked for. 6 months later, he called again, this time to inform me he was having a child. I wished him the best, but told him I was uncomfortable with him making any future contact with me. Was that wrong? What would you have done?