
Do you think that adopting cost to much ?

by  |  earlier

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so i was thinking that its not fairto the kids in orphanage that sit there there whole lifes i would adopt but people expect to much money i think if your making enough to take care of the kid that should be enough why do they want you to spend 1000s of dollars when it could be good for helping with the kid and where does all that money go anywas? i think if they really cared about kids getting homes they wouldnt make them pay so much honestly wealthy people that can afford to take care of kids dont nessisarily make 20000 in a couple months and if they want you to save it up thats just that much longer the kid is in the orphanage well thats my opinion whats yours? i really dont care if you dont care about my opinion i just had to say it and was curious to what everone else thought




  1. i totally agree i just feel bad because i dont think the moms that give thier children up get anything out of it, i feel bad for those kids and its sad because its so expensive

  2. i think that it should be cheaper, but the family should have enough income to support the child.  if there is not enough money in the adopted family it will cause even more trama to the child to have to be put in an orphange once again.

  3. oh definitely, all the money goes to lawyers and other paper pushers. The money could be better spent on the child.

  4. yes, I do think that if it were cheaper, many more  children would be adopted...I don't know where the money goes, but I think a lot of it goes to that country's government, not the kids

  5. Ugh, it makes me sick. It's pretty much exploiting children for cash! Especially in other countries. My husband makes very good money and I am a sahm. We have two little girls and would love to adopt but it's insane to have to pay that much money. I do believe they should do checks to insure that you can financially take care of the child though.

  6. We adopted our children internationally through a non-profit agency, and yes it can be very expensive, however no one was getting rich off of these children. Yes, there are always cases of coruption, but this is not usually the case.

    You have to realize when people adopt children from the US foster system, just because there is little cost for the parents, doesn't mean that there was no cost involved in caring for the children while they were in the system, it's just that luckily our government covers the costs of things like foster care, medical treatment (which can be very costly for special needs children), food, clothing, social workers salaries, and the cost of administrative and legal costs.

    In poverty stricken countries they do not have the funds to pay for these costs. Many of the agencies in other countries do not recieve their funding  from their government, and rely on adoptive parents to fund these costs in order to keep the orphanages open, and keep these children safe and well cared for. These fees also cover the costs to care for children who will never be adopted due to severe special needs or the fact that they were not relinquished for adoption.  

    We know that the money we paid went to ensure the care of our children while they were waiting to come home, and makes such adoptions possible. You must also note that our govt reimburses adoptive families for over $11,000 of adoption expences. We are definetly not rich people, but found their are loans, grants, and other options that make adoption atainable for most people.

  7. Kids that are in foster homes and "orphanages" in America are free to get.  Call your Family Independence Agency and ask them for a home study.

  8. If you are in the U.S., adoption through your state's foster care system costs very little compared to private adoption.  

    In some instances of ill children, the adoptive families can receive a monthly social security check to help defray medical costs.  When we looked into adoption through foster care, we met some amazing families.  We went through classes and training, went through several home inspections, and filed the petition to adopt paperwork in the courts.  Our out of pocket expenses were less than $1000 at that time.  Had we gone through the actual placement & adoption, it might have cost an additional several hundred.   When my son gets a bit older, we may still consider adoption to give him a sibling.  I would ask that you at least look into domestic adoption of foster care kids before going private or international.  There's a huge difference.  While foster care kids are at higher risk, the bottom line is they just want a home to call their own.

    Good luck to you!

  9. I tend to agree with you that the fees for adopting are much higher than they should be, but I do also believe that some of those fees do go to protect the children from abusive homes (or at least I hope it does).  If adoption was free, then you would have people adopting children for slave labor and other horrible things.  I want to believe that some of the money we spent for our adoption was necessary to do background checks, fingerprints, insure that we had a safe home, etc.  That isn't to say that they couldn't bring the fees down a little bit, but I do feel that we need to be sure we are protecting these children also.

    Good question though!

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