
Do you think that after over 63 years it is enough to go on paying development aid to Germany ?

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Do you think that after over 63 years it is enough to go on paying development aid to Germany ?




  1. Yes I agree, particularly since the US stopped paying anything about two decades ago.

    And once the USA has stopped paying those billions of USD to Germany, they might do something useful, like giving a free square meal a day to old veterans like you to get you off the dog food.

    With the leftovers, the US of A could then seriously start paying back the money it has been lending FROM countries, including Germany over the past 12 years to finance its warmongering ans well as the wasteful lifestyles of its citizens.

  2. You are really a good example for an US american

  3. YOU certainly have never paid anything and you'd better stop asking such stupid and provoking questions.

  4. You sound a bit uninformed.

  5. Germany puts all this money on a saving account...a good idea because now we are able to pay development aid to America...they need it badly...

  6. I agree with you we should really buy more weapons for that money instead.

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