
Do you think that aliens know that we know they exist. ?

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and for the non believes ......You would have to be very dumb to think that this is the only planet with life on.




  1. Chances are, realistically speaking.

    Aliens probably live their own way of life which would be considered savage to us. I doubt on the other hand that Aliens would suspect there of being another type of life in the Universe. I bet there are planets out there where rabbits have all the power.

  2. if they are smarter then us they probably do if not they would not know about us.

  3. Yes the creepy little  people are hiding everywhere dont ya see them?

  4. Little do they know that I know that they know that I know that they're watching me.

  5. Of course they do,Why do you think they don't come down to visit?

  6. we do know that thay exist we just forgot to let then know  

  7. I agree with Judy!

  8. While I believe aliens do exist, it's not known as a fact, just a probability. The probability has been estimated at wildly different figures.  The probability only exists because the size of the universe is very big indeed.  The fact that the universe is so vast means it's statistically extremely unlikely we'd ever find each other.

  9. I think there just observing us and I do think they know that we know about them

  10. Probably not, there probably asking this same question lol

  11. Well I'm pretty sure they think the same things we do unless they're a lot less evolved than us, or far more advanced than us and are observing us.

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