
Do you think that all public schools students should use uniforms to school.?

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I need reasons why they should or shouldn't..




  1. Nope. It's a waste of money and it won't do any good for the students.

    I know some people would say 'oh but then they can't tease eachother for what they wear and bla bla bla'.

    but if they don't tease about clothing then they'll just find something even worse to tease about.

    but no , its a bad idea.

  2. I have taught in public schools that did require uniforms, as well as those that did not.  At first, I didn't really understand the reasoning behind the uniforms, especially in a public school.  I always thought that was a private school thing. However, after spending a few years in the "uniform schools" I found some interesting trends.

    The use of school uniforms helped build community within the school.  Since all students had to wear the same type of clothes it reduced teasing.  It was kind of like a unity, you know like how "teams" wear the same uniform.

    It reduced the ability to figure out if someone was in a gang or not, and fighting was reduced within the school.

    When students grow up and have a job, they are more willing to abide by the "clothing"guidelines set by the employer.  (call it job training)

    Periodically, students were permitted to wear outfits of choice. We had to send more kids home on those days because the clothes they chose to wear were inappropriate.  (bellies hanging out, sagging, ripped clothing)  

    Parents liked the uniforms because they were not a financial burden. (No one trying to keep up with the other students in a better financial situation)  Many students liked the uniforms because it was easy.  No major decisions to make in the morning as to what to wear.

    A lot of people worry about how students are going to express their individuality.  In response to this, our students found ways. The girls added jewelry, scarves, colored shoe strings, colored socks (sometimes not matching  :)  ), different styles of shoes,  hair pieces, or even painting the white tennis shoes.

    The boys added belts with interesting buckles, key chains, boy jewelry, arm bands. Some looks were very creative.

    And really... if you ask a kid what their biggest fear is... it is not fitting in.  With everyone wearing the same type of clothes... everyone fits in somewhere.

  3. Sure saved me lots of money.

  4. no what good do they do? absolutely none thats what.

  5. not greatly reduces the student's sense of individuality...others' clothes doesn't really take away that much attention from the lesson, so why should it matter? I went to a school with a dress code that specified "all students must wear clothing. bathing suit like materials and see-through materials are not permitted." and that was the extent of the dress code...i later moved to a school that had a very strict dress code, polo shirt (navy, hunter green, or white), khaki or navy pants, black or brown shoes, white or gray socks, and on and on...they even limited the amount of jewelry we could wear, the color our hair was, and the color of our hair ribbons...honestly, it's pretty hard to have to check every single day to make certain that everything is the correct shade of each color, and that nothing has faded...and then to be publicly humiliated by teachers when they lined everyone up in the hallways and anyone who wasn't "up to code" was paraded in front of the rest of the school and told that they didn't understand how to properly dress themselves...

    i had a bad experience with wearing uniforms, i guess that makes me biased, but it's my opinion...

  6. no

  7. As a teacher I have different opinions.  I have taught at schools with dress codes and ones without.  I think it is much easier on the parents and the child to have uniforms as it causes less money and there are no fights.  This however, only works if the administration is firm with their policies and does not let kids get away with not following the rules.  I also think that it does take away a little individuality from kids, but for the most part, I think it is a good concept.

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