
Do you think that all the rhetoric coming from the left about a woman VP would still be out there if?

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Hillary had been chosen by Obama?

BTW does Obama really know what city he is in today?




  1. Rocket Man, sorry, but who knows and who cares?  Look at Palin's daughter, Juno, I think, is that a good role model for our country having a what, 15 year-old, daughter pregnant?  5 words:  What Would Murphy Brown Do?

    I don't even know where Obama is today?  I'm a bad American---lol?

  2. No.  They would be pushing their pick.

  3. The fact that Palin is a woman has nothing at all to do with why the left (and I) object to her as a VP. This is why I object to her and would never vote for McCain/Palin: John McCain and the Republican party think that the majority of women will vote for McCain because he has a woman on his ticket. They think they have found the silver bullet that will propel McCain to the White-house. A few women will undoubtedly vote for McCain just because there is a woman on his ticket, but it is hard to believe that the die hard Hillary supporters would ever vote for someone who fights for a reduction in women's rights. Yes, Palin is a woman and a mother, but she wants to reverse Roe v Wade, and that is not going to appeal to female Hillary supporters.

    This is an election that the Democrats feel that they should be able to win just because of the general dissatisfaction with Bush/Cheney. There is endless rhetoric flowing from both sides whether you see it or not. According to this months issue of Time, the negative campaigning was invented by the Rove/Bush campaign, before that it was more about platforms and individual issues. What a legacy. Republicans of course make it a "your word against mine" by accusing the Democrats of dirty politics.


  4. Of course not. The Libs are realizing they made a HUGE mistake not picking Hillary and her 18 million votes as their candidate for either slot on the ticket. They are now panicked and lashing out in all directions...which will come back to bite them on the butt. Every time I see a rant/nonsense question/answer from a Lib I smile at the fact they are scurrying around like roaches caught in the light.

    2nd question: Probably not. He knows he's in one of the 57 states...maybe.

  5. Sorry but People do NOT like being LIED to by Palin LINK:

  6. Where do you get your Hogwash from? It is though you haven't followed Politics!

    There are more DEMOCRATIC WOMEN in the senate and the House than REPUBLICAN WOMEN!

    Nancy Pelosi-Speaker of the House-DEMOCRATIC WOMAN.

    It is the Republican Party whose "spinning" this c**p.

  7. Yes because they are not attacking her because she is a woman.  They are attacking her because she has no experience, is unethical (  even though she runs on an ethics platform),  and would rather further her career than worry about how much pressure she is putting on her teenaged daughter.  Bristol will have a tough enough time as it is but Palin just made it infinitly harder by running for VP.  As a parent I am disappointed that she ran for that reason and for the fact that she has a special needs child which takes far more attention than a normal child.  She is in it for herself.  she really could care less about her family and for that matter the USA.  Besides she didn't even want to  be part of the USA.  She tried to get Alaska suceeded from the union.  Got love that patriatism.

  8. Things look a lot different to the libs now that they realize the shoes on the other foot, and they screwed up with their VP choice.

  9. Palin's gender is not the issue. Her lack of knowledge and experience, her lack of decency and personal morals, her abuse of power are real concerns.  

  10. I have no problem with a woman VP.  I have a problem with that woman as VP.

    (I am positive I heard the same said of Hillary.)

  11. If Obama would have pick Hillary

    I would be voting Ron Paul

  12. Absolutely not.  

  13. There is no rhetoric coming from the left "about a woman VP."  What are you asking?  I hope you remember that the Democrats had a woman VP nominee 24 years ago.

  14. I think they keep digging because they are afraid!

  15. No, of course not. Democrats don't object to Palin because she's a woman, but because she's a wacko.

  16. If Hillary said the STUDPID  MISLEADING things Palin and othe RNC speakers said I would be just as sick. Are you really gonna vouch for that c**p? Do you want the Republican Party to win or the United States? Do I have to ask you to pick a side? Cause if you approve of that MISLEADING (proven if you research it) c**p given by Palin and the RNC. Then we are doomed as a country.......... And raise your were one of the reasons why

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