
Do you think that an 8 year old is too old to breast feed? What do you think of this woman doing it?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Holy c**p. That kid is going to be MESSED UP.

  2. Not very healthy...they are probably home schooled too....

  3. No, of course not. It's perfectly normal to even breast feed your kids until they reach their mid 40's. I think she is the sanest woman I know. lol :p

  4. I think the mom and the kid need counseling. If I had a 8yr old hanging off my titty for dinner I would talk to a dr

  5. the most disturbing part for me is that they draw pictures of their mothers b*****s!!!!!!!!

    that is creepy and weird...if i saw my eight year old drawing pictures of and naming my b*****s i would VOMIT!!!

  6. That's ridiculous and disgusting. That kid is going to be messed up and that woman is insane.

  7. wtf they should of stopped at 8 mth not yr

  8. really sad! the lady has sexual identity issues and is passing the problem to her children.

  9. That is ridiculous. The breastfeeding stage usually is over before the child turns a year old. I didn't see that video i don't want to but that is very insane seriously that's gross it is very very unusual for an 8 year old to still be drinking from her mothers b*****s

  10. I don't know how that woman still have a milk to give to her kid.

    And yes that girl is too old for breast feeding. she should stop immediately and be like a normal 8 years old child

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