
Do you think that animal get reincarnated?

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Some animals have to suffer SO MUCH! I see and hear about so much animal abuse...Even being chained up in the yard is abuse. Do you think they're being punished to teach any "lesson"?Do you think bad people come back as animals who get abused?I just can't understand why some animals have to go through what they do. What could they have done to deserve being treated this way?




  1. I believe your questions is truly a question about the nature of evil. What is evil and where does it come from? Where does it go? The interesting part of your question is truly your hypothesis that Earthly suffering is metaphysical punishment for evil souls; that souls that are cruel in one life are destined to be tortured in the next.

    For Epicurus the question of the existence of evil and suffering brought him to God. He says "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able not willing? Then why call him God?"

    The western theological retort is usually that evil is not something that exists, it is simply the lack of the love of God. For example, there is no THING called "dark". Light is a presence of light particles, photons, but dark is simply the ABSENCE of these things. Therefore evil can only exist when men remove themselves from good, from love, and (to many Christians, Jews, and Muslims) God.

    However, you may not be of the western religions. Perhaps you're Bhuddist or atheist. In which case the problem of evil is much different. Why is it here and does it all come to some end?

    The cruelty of man towards animals, I'm afraid, may also be the result of an absurd world, a world ungoverned by ethical laws. Though it may be terrifying to the thinking human being, there exists a very real possibility that this world does not care about pain or anguish, and that our souls are accidental, coincidental, and trivial. I call this approach to metaphysics "Dischordianism" - a belief that the world is governed by laws, but not laws that necessarily benefit us as human beings.

    But we can't see or touch or smell evil, and we can't measure or capture good in a bottle. Despite all this we know and feel the difference between right and wrong. And for every compulsion there is a correct release for it. If you're hungry you can eat, though there are certain things that you should never eat. If you're sleepy you can sleep, though there are certainly certain places you shouldn't fall asleep.

    If you're compelled to help animals who are mistreated and feel that it is wrong, it won't help you to think about why they're being hurt, and you will never convince yourself that it's somehow cosmically "right". Your only option is to do something and satisfy your desire to see justice done. Evil is certainly an absence, an absence of good. So fill that absence with action.

  2. I am sure that if reincarnation really happens it is possible for the animals as well. I believe just as we can go to heaven so can they. Heaven wouldn't be heaven without my best friends there. Can you imagine a heaven without any animals at all? I can't.

  3. Maybe they come back as people!

  4. I do not know if they are reincarnated or not...but my sister and I saw the ghost of our dog standing outside our bedroom door, in a brightly lit hallway. (He was knocked over by a car, and taken to the vet, that put him to sleep the very same day)

  5. about the abuse.. i dont know for sure but i do believe that animals get reincarnated.. i believe Sofi was an evolved being who had come to accompany me as i am an only child and also to teach us to love..  she was so sweet and sacrificed her time she could have used on spiritually evolving hrself  to come and be there with us.. i honestly think many animals are evolved beings.. we heard from somewhere that dolphins are going extinct or dissappearing form this planet and going on to the next level of spirituak progress as they have already learned what they were supposed to here.. they have finished their purpose here,,


  7. this should really go under Religion & Spirituality.

  8. No person nor animal deserves to be abused! Yes it is very distressing to see animals treated so cruelly. I think it is unfortunate that some animals become victims to people who should be evolved enough to know better. I believe the animals do have a purpose - to give these people the chance , to show  love and appreciation - and to know what love is - unfortunately - they don't always get it.  On the other hand - yes I do believe in animal reincarnation. My dog - I believe has come back to me for a third time - last time was for 14 years.  I said I would not get another dog - unless there was that absolute recognition - and there was!  I brought the new dog home - who was just a pup - the personality - behaviour is amazingly similar - occasionally even answers to my old dogs name - when I call by accident! So yes I do believe in animal reincarnation - just not that they are specifically being punished for previous life behaviour.

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