
Do you think that animals should be kept in cages for our amusement?

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I love pets. Alot. But I also think about how much they probably long for freedom. Birds were MADE TO FLY. Why would they have wings? They are not meant to be kept in cages. I understand if some animals like hamsters and guinea pigs might be kept in cages. They're domestic after all. Also dogs and cats. But what about the birds and rabbits etc. What's your opinion?




  1. They also live much longer, healthier lives in captivity when well cared for..

    A good bird owner doesn't keep their bird strictly in a cage, but, provides them a room to fly in during the day. What do rabbits do in the wild? They eat grass and hide. That's their entire life in the wild. Keeping one in your home, but providing it plenty of hay to graze on and space to move around doesn't seem cruel at all. Wild rabbits live about 2 years in the wild. I had a pet rabbit that lived to the age of 17 quite happily..

    I know people love to think that nature is just such a wonderful place, but, in all reality nature is cold and cruel.. If you want any evidence of that, watch a couple hours of national geographic. You'll see starvation, sickness, untreated injury, predation and animals being singled out and rejected from their herd by their own herd members. For many species, being rejected from the herd means death.

    To think keeping pets is cruel is to ignore the rampant cruelty in nature.. Their are cruelties in both. Captivity can actually be better for many species in the hands of a caring, educated keeper..

  2. Well, if you had a big cage it will have a big enough to fly around.

  3. I love animals too. It really hurts me that animals are still being used in circuses. I know some places have banned this. These large animals who come from places like Africa have to stay in tiny cages and are only allowed out when they're in the circus ring. I hope someday soon that will change.

  4. As long as they are kept correctly, and given the attention they deserve, than I think it's alright. Zoo's today have made great efforts on behave of their animals, trying to replicate their natural habitat as best as possible and to give them toys as behavioral enrichment's.

    As for the pets kept in people's homes- I think that as long as people have done the necesssary research and understand the needs of their pets, and meet those needs, that it is acceptable to have them. So much progress has been made since the days when it was thought to be okay to put a goldfish in a bowl. Today we have books, the internet, and websites like these, that can teach people how to properly look after their pets. Every animal that is caged has a space requirement. I work in a pet store and if the customer wants a pet, I make sure that they buy the appopriate tank/cage. If they aren't willing to do so, I deny the sale.

  5. i dont think they should be kept in cages. thats us being cept in a closet all day. its not fair or right.

  6. I also think they are made how they are for a reason, but people do have them in cages for many reasons.

    Sometimes the animal may p**p in the house and that could cause damage, they may get loose and die, get stuck, run away and be gone forever. But they should get sometime out. You could take your bird in a secluded area in your home with mo way for them to get out and if the poo it will be easy to clean and bunnies, you can buy a collar and leash to take them on walks out in your yard.

  7. I believe you should fight for animals' rights not accumulate them.  However, if you desire to have a companion animal, as long as you show it tons of affection, I see no problem.  Just be sure to let your companion animal out of their cages frequently to roam around.

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