
Do you think that artificial insemination is unethical or immoral?

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I really want to get opinions from Christians. And before you answer, no I'm not homosexual. I'm just a woman who's biological clock is ticking. I'm running out of time and "Mr. Right" is no where on the horizon. I would have liked to get married and do it the "traditional" way but realistically I don't see the whole white wedding happening for me. I don't want to miss the opportunity to be a mother because of ethical or moral questions booming in the back of my mind.




  1. Remember that there are a no.of couples in this world who are very much depressed because they do not have a baby. So please dont disgrace this most wonderful gift  (ability to give birth to a baby ) given by God by  such unethical practice. You will find a right guy soon. And remember, a child needs a father too.

  2. the only time i agree with it is when the father has died and he had sperm frozen i dnt think u should use some random strangers as it wouldn't be fair on the child never knowing who there farther was .

  3. I'm sorry I am not a Christian, but I don't think artificial inseminaion is unethical or immoral. It's great that you want to be a mother, and if this is the way you can be a mother then so be it, you know?

    There really is nothing wrong with it, it's your body and your choice.  

  4. not unethical and not immoral...

  5. I have no qualms with it, but be warned, you're paying about $10,000 for a 33% chance.  Depending on your financial situation, you may want to adopt, especially if you have qualms with AI.

  6. No of course not! You deserve to be happy and have a baby just like women who have partners and are able to conceive! Good luck to you :)

  7. I don't think there is anything wrong with it.  god wants us to reproduce.

    children are a blessing no matter how you aquiure them!!

  8. Go for it. We got nut jobs out there who think masturbation is a sin too.

    Hope you enjoy motherhood.  

  9. sorry but i do believe its unethical!

    have you considered adoption?? Hope I've helped

    *please answer my question

  10. I'm cool with it.

  11. A lot of women have done that. Get artificial insemination done by a doctor donor or a medical student. Because on the Oprah show it showed that most mothers who got aritfical insemination by medical students. Theirs kids became really smart and became medical students.

    Do it. Your kid will become really smart!

  12. its ok

  13. No I personnaly don't think it's unethical. It is different from the usual way but you are not hurting anyone or doing wrong to someone else, you just want to be a mother.

    I think you should keep your options open. Good luck!

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