
Do you think that artificial intelligence and computers are a form of evolution?

by Guest59219  |  earlier

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Do you think that artificial intelligence and computers are a form of evolution?




  1. No. I would consider those technical advances. Evolution is rooted in biology.

  2. hummm what does artificial intelligence imply?  

  3. If you're speaking of evolution the way Darwin did, then - no - the scientific theory of evolution is limited to biological evolution - the evolution of living things. But if you're using "evolution" in the vernacular sense, it just means change over time. So of course it's OK to say that computers have evolved as long as it's understood that this evolution has nothing to do with the theory of evolution.

  4. No.

    For evolution to happen things must have offspring, there must be variation in the offspring and there must be competition for resources.

    Computers don't breed, so they fail to meet the first of these criteria. So they don't evolve.

    Sure, they are products of evolution - because we made them - but that is not at all the same thing.

  5. Thus far, it still remains to be seen, if I think about this the way I think you intend.  But AI does tend to this portend.

  6. Absolutely NO! These AI, Computers, Robots, Genetical developments are INVENTIONS, not EVOLUTION.

  7. yes it is ...

    however, in order to preserve ourselves ... we will decide to step down in intelligence ... because A.I will turn against us ... it has attributes within its intelligence that will surpassed that of humans ...

    so we will alter this form of evolution and stick to the current state that we are at ... knowing that OUR intelligence could have ended us ... so why not another form intellgience??

  8. Not a "traditional" type of evolution. I think it just proves that our science has reached the age where we can successfully create human-like intelligence.

  9. no its not!!!evolution is different from development,,

  10. If you created a virus on the internet that could self replicate and under-go random mutation then I would consider it to be under a process of natural selection, therefore evolution.  Perhaps robots will simply be computers filled with such viruses that adapt to changing situations in the environment.  

    If you are saying is there a link along the lines of monkey-neanderthal-human-computer i would say that until computers become integrated into our DNA they are not related to people on a evolutionary time-line.

  11. Well evolution is about change from one state to another. It depends what type of change you are talking about.

    If you mean A.I. and Computers are an evolution from humanity, then no. But if you are talking about the evolution from the early building sized computers to the modern PC/Laptop then yes.

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