
Do you think that at 12 you should your child her own room?

by Guest10970  |  earlier

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Do you think that at 12 you should your child her own room?




  1. not if you have a sister and there is no other wife shared a room with her sister and her sister was 7 years older then just do what works...

  2. Depends on the far my kids can have their own room since birth...I still have an extra room if I were to have another baby but they would probbaly share while they are little and then they can split up.

  3. if they are sharing with another sibling that is the same gender and there is not an option for another room then i dont see there is a choice.. but at 12 they should have a space in a home to call their own.. they should not be sharing with parents or opposite gender

  4. I think she should have her own room or atleast alot of privacy........When i was ten i was actually pretty mature for my age and i needed some room so i moved to the basement its pretty awesome...ive been leaving here for 4 years...[im 14 now] ....... but be prepared cuz if she wants her own room shell probably fight for it...especially at ten.but i think she should get her own room.........if its possible.........anyway hope this helps and good luck

  5. she should of had her own room 10 years ago at age 2

  6. I would say yes. If she has a sister, she can share with her but if she has brothers and has been sharing a room, she needs her own room now. She's 12 yrs old and it shouldn't be very long until she starts becoming a young lady...

    She won't feel comfortable sharing a room with boys.

  7. Well if there is a spare room avaliable then a 12 year old should have there own room however if she is sharing with a sister then that is okay if it is with a brother then she should have her own room, at 12 they start to want there own freedom etc


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