
Do you think that athletes should be questioned on their sexuality?

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According to a questionnaire only 10 athletes competing at the Olympics are openly g*y. Is it that only 10 of them openly g*y in some questionnaire they have had to fill out in between hard training regimes? Or is it that the atheletic and sports world is that old fashioned that it is not ok to be openly g*y?**s-village.html




  1. no, that has no bearing on their abilities.  

  2. So theres only 10 g**s in the Olympic Village?

    Yeah right, like theres only 10 members of the CE Clique.

    I dont think gayness helps or hinders athletic ability.

  3. It hadn't crossed my mind that any of the athletes were g*y, it doesn't matter but now you have planted the thought in my head i'm going to be thinking about it lol.

  4. No it makes no difference on how they preform (pardon the pun) lol

  5. That's a great idea, put all the g**s together, someplace else.

  6. No they shouldn't be questioned, they should mind their own business, it is perfectly ok to be g*y I have loads of g*y friends from both sexes, it's not news anymore big deal so 10,490 are heterosexual .... whoopee woo! yawn.

  7. no. it's their own private matter

  8. I bet most of them are female shotputters.

  9. I hoped that they had been !?! Or  r R r !?! But nothing  if you think about it is "FULL PROOF" !!.    r R r.,.    

  10. Just like any other questionnaire in today's big brother society, a waste an unnecessary.

    What difference does it make about their sexuality. Are they worried that all g**s may have a handbag fight whilst sprinting the 100 metres or that they would now like to include more sports to accommodate g**s and lesbians etc.

    I guess it is another survey to find out who is who and what kind of person is competing but none the less g*y or not I couldn't careless as they all deserve their place in history if they have reached the Olympics.

  11. I don't think they were.  It's just that there are only ten who are Openly g*y.  I expect there are others and others who would say they were if asked.  

    Also, I'd imagine it's fair to say that they want to be judged on their athletic abilities, not their sexulaity.  I don't think there's anything wrong with that.  Also, yes I expect there's a macho element to it too - they don't want to go out on a limb and get ridiculed for it.  In addition - there's the sponsorship issue.  

  12. what does their preference in sexuality have anything to do with sports

  13. Only if a DNA test can prove it. There is no trait that proves people are born or are g*y, homosexuality is a practice anyone can do it.

  14. What has their sexuality got to do with it? I can see that there might be questions about the amount of testosterone that some of them have flowing around their body, but then, that's a different matter.

  15. Their sexuality is completely irrelevant, but there will always be bigots, especially in the sports industry.

  16. when I read that first, I thought of the :)

  17. well it's not the winter olympics so you don't have the figure skaters. I don't even believe people are or are not g*y. just more hype by humans. depends on your mood and situation in life.  

  18. Ones sexuality has nothing to do with how one performs on the field, the track, the pool or other venture in the games.  Ones private life is there life.  Should we ask all politicians of there sexuality?

  19. No.  Why should they be questioned on their sexuality?  Does it impact their ability to perform in their sport of choice?

  20. I really can't see the point or what difference it makes anyway.  It is a breach of privacy.  Are they going to start putting it on application forms for jobs soon?

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