
Do you think that authentic trust is only available through the knowing heart?

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Do you think that authentic trust is only available through the knowing heart?




  1. d**n surely.without ur heart solely ur true place how can u feel u will have authencity outside where people just gaze around

  2. If you ``know,`` then you don`t need ``trust.``

  3. I trust you



  4. One does not need heart or brains to trust another.

    They just help.

  5. Yes.  It doesn't happen in one night.

  6. Yes I definitely do!  Your heart is the pulsation of your life's core!

    And God is truth,  the center of it all.

  7. I think caring and empathy are prerequisites to trust. I don't think you have to know someone's heart to give your trust to them or the other way around.  

  8. bible says trust the lord only.when you make a decision , think before you act. question your motive does your heart convict you.

  9. Authentic trust is earned through actions, not words. Our mind plays a factor in establishing trust as well. We need to process our feelings through the mind. But, ultimately, when you feel authentic trust, to me, I feel it in my heart. A sense of security, warmth and, peace.

    Great question, as always .  

  10. What does that mean? Is it a riddle? Sounds like a fortune cookie quote.

    I would like to help you if you can ask a real question.

  11. Yes I do, you cannot have trust without knowing the person or thing.  Going in blind and with trust is only going to hurt you in the end.  Trust is such a wonderful thing to have with someone, but there are not many people you can trust.  

  12. No living thing can be totally trusted.  Many non-living things can't be, either.  Gravity is more or less authentically trustworthy.  Trusting without the benefit of logic (i.e. via the heart) is a recipe for disaster.

  13. Trust means to believe... I trust you, means I have no doubt in my mind about your honesty, integrity and credibility...same goes for my counterpart.

  14.    Trust is like a loan that you don't demand expect it back, may even need it back, but you give it to someone that you would give your heart. And if chosen wisely it's usually returned seven fold. If broken, then you may want to rethink your method of choice.  

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