
Do you think that back near the end of WW2 the n**i Germans could have launched a man to suborbital heights?

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I'm only wondering because i seen a sketch of a n**i V-2 rocket with a seat for a single pilot in the nose cone, i think the sketch was from the British Interplanetary Society from around the same time the V-2 was still in use.

Also please answer this question if you have the time thanks.;_ylt=AukKM0hzTS8tL3hWK1rTNTvAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080815181421AA7vrJw




  1. Oh of course... But the man wouldn't have survived.

  2. Near the end of WWII the German rocketry program was entirly devoted to launching V-2s. Launching someone in orbit would have had no practical or strategic value.

    Could it have been done if it wasn't for the war effort? Maybe. Keep in mind many of the technologies developed during the space race were trial and error. No one really knew anything about the space environment and what it would take to survive in it. 1940's technology isn't to impressive by todays standards. Maybe of there were a concerted effort to explore space we would be a  few decades ahead of were we are now.  

  3. n***s had more technology than you have been led to believe...

  4. No problem getting him to London.  Big problem when he slams into a building.

  5. Of course, but back then, why would they have wanted to? Werner von Braun, the mastermind behind the German rocket program, dreamed of putting man into space before he and his progam were recruited by the n**i's to make weapons out of rockets.

  6. supposedly, the technology for a rocket to the moon was developed in n**i germany in the 30's. it was in no way safe and wouldnt have carried men back, but the point is that it could have gotten them there.

  7. They could have launched him there, he probably would not have survived the trip...

  8. well at the time they didnt know about space radiation so the man would have died

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