
Do you think that being on WIC makes you seem low class?

by Guest62075  |  earlier

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i am 17 yrs. old and pregnant with my first baby.

my boyfriend and i are obviously poor.

my DR and my pregnancy counsolor both told me that i should try to get on WIC asap.

my boyfriend thinks that it is a bad idea and says that it makes us look like white trash....

idk what to think. i know a lot of people are on WIC. what should i do?




  1. You have to do what is best for you and your baby and forget the rest.

    Your friends and family do not need to know that you are receiving assistance. Find a less frequented grocery store and go during off hours and no one will be the wiser.

    Good luck!

  2. Why would someone judge you for going to education about parenting and getting food for your child?

    Yes, cashiers look down on the people at the grocery store on the first of the month buying a huge pile of steak with their food stamp card. WIC is different. No one should look down on a parent who is feeding their child.

    I think more people will judge you for being too poor to provide things for your child because you are too proud to save $125 a month on formula.

  3. Honestly, yes - being on WIC comes with a stereotype of being in the low-income class.

    Bottom line though, you do what you have to do to care for your baby.  If you can get help from family, and if you and your BF can get decent jobs, then you can avoid using the services of WIC.

  4. I don't think it has anything to do with being white trash but it does help people who need some extra help to get the basic things they need. If your baby is on formula then you will need it. My son was on a special formula that cost 26 dollars a can. The only thing I would say is that if are poor then you might not be having kids so young. I don't want to be mean but if you knew you could not afford the simple things then you should not have gotten pregnant. Good luck and just do what is best for your baby and don't worry about how it makes you look.

  5. You need as much assistance as you possibly can get for that little one coming. There is no shame in getting help at the beginning, as long as you intend to work someday or finish schooling there is no problem...

    white trash are people who are on WIC and have no reason, no aspirations, no intentions of getting a job etc.. and that clearly is not that case for you...

    Good Luck :o)

  6. The purpose of WIC is for the pregnant woman to get the nutrition they need while pregnant it does not make you look like white trash me and my fiancee both work well I took maternity leave a little early but we were just below the income limit so I qualified to receive WIC and believe me I'm far from trashy and I'm not lazy and on welfare either it just gives me the extra things I need Milk eggs cereal without having to worry about anything so do whats best for you and baby and its time for him to grow up and realize that what people may think is not your concern especially with a baby on the way its not about you two anymore and at 17 I dont think you can afford the diapers let alone all the formula and groceries the baby will need Do what you have to do

  7. its a good resource

  8. Wic is for lower income families BUT that doesn't make you white trash.Sometimes you just need a little help.Now if you were taking advantage of the system,then you would be considered white trash,but I dont see how using wic correctly would make people think poorly of you.That is what it is there for.

  9. Does your boyfriend work?  Even if he does work you are probably still eligible for wic.  the truth is tons more people are eligible than actually sign up for it.  the financial guidelines for wic are way higher than they are for food stamps.  the majority of people who receive wic are working and getting a paycheck.  Wic is not just about getting formula, most importantly it is about teaching women how to feed their children well balanced nutritional meals that will help them to grow up healthy, and I assure you there is no shame in that.    

  10. I do not think at ALL WIC makes you look like white trash. Im 19 and pregnant, my boyfriend has a good job,we live with his parents, and I still applied for it. It is an awsome help! Getting on Medicaid and FIA assistance is also a great help. You want what is best for your baby. There are thousands of people on WIC and alot of them, are not white trash. Good luck and congrats!!!!!!1

  11. If your boyfriend is that immature to refuse help, I'm really sorry.  It is a program in place for people like you who don't have the money to start off with.  There is no shame in using the help.

  12. if it helps you and your child there is nothing wrong with using it until you get on your feet, my mom used it with me b/c she was poor and my biological father was no help, dont be ashamed as long as you're not having kids just to use wic then you are not doing anything wrong

  13. I used to think the same way too, but you know if the help is there why not use it. I had my son at 17 and if it wasn't for WIC we would have struggled alot.  Guys think like that sometimes.  Tell him that formula for my 6 month old cost about $19.00 a can and she goes through about 2 1/2 to 3 cans a week, that;s alot of money to me.  And if she had to be put on a special formula it could double the price. WIC gives me most of the time more than I need, it's one less thing to worry about, plus it's still good formula.  My daughter gets the Carnation Good Start and if I didn't have wic I may have to buy the walmart brand, which may be good, I've never tried, but when your dealing with your baby's nutrition name brand just sounds better.  Your boyfriend will get over it once he finds out how much it cost to raise a baby.  Your not white trash at all, just another good mother using your resources.

  14. I am also on WIC and its not a bad idea at all. My husband and I feel the same way as your boyfriend but he seriously needs to swallow his pride because you are going to need as much help as possible.

    The term "white trash" I see is a lazy person who is using welfare as an easy way to live without working.

    You are about to have a baby and you have no money!!!! Im going through the same thing. Take as much advantage on welfare as possible or whatever they offer you because you need it. If your boyfriend gets a good job and has decent income to take care of the two of you then he wont have to worry about bieng on welfare.

  15. I wouldn't worry too much about how you look to other people. There are going to be times that that little thing will embarrass you or you will have to do something that you would have NEVER done in public. WIC is extremely helpful. It gets you alot of the things you need to stay healthy and it is a resource that is there for everyone, not just the poor white trash that you think of when you picture someone on state aid. USE IT. I was denied because I am a college student!!! I am pregnant and not married, but I am still sticking with college to get a better life for my entire family. Apparently they think that since I scraped money together to go to a community college, I can eat too. If anyone has been a struggling college student, they would know that isn't always the case. In any case, babies cost money and if you don't have alot, then by all means-do what you need to to make sure that Mommy and baby healthy and strong!!

  16. I think that in order for you to be healthy & for your baby to be healthy you need to eat.  If WIC is the answer there is no shame in that, but making "hand-outs" a way of life so that you never have to work to support your child is something entirely different.

  17. get on WIC!!!!  It helps out SO much and no it does not make you lower class or anything it DOES however help with that VERY expensive formula I just bought 3 cans ON SALE!!!!  and I spent almost $100.00 bucks!!!!  If the boyfriend dosen't like it take him to a grocery store and SHOW him how much formula and diapers and ALL that fun stuff coasts babies don't grow on trees and neither do the things that they need LOL Good luck and congrats and just because your 17 dosen't mean you won't be a great mother my mom had me when she was 17 and I turned out to be a great person at least that's what everybody tells me : )  

  18. no because  its for every one  not only for low incom people its not a shealter its a benifit for babys so dont be ashame.

  19. GO for it!! Trust me, it's SO hard when you are that young.. I had my first at 15, and I too got onto WIC and it was the BEST helper I could have EVER recieved.. Who cares what others think, it's to help you and also to give your precious baby what he or she needs.. Please do yourself a favor and get on it if you can, it's there for a reason not to make you think or feel like you are white trash! Please go for it, you won't regret it.. because that formula and baby food gets mighty expensive.. good luck.  

  20. Tell your boyfriend he needs to get a good paying job and then you won't have to be on it.  I do not think it makes you look like white trash.  My daughter is on WIC.  I am a single mother and its nice to get free formula, so I can spend my money on other things she needs.  

  21. You are very young and in a unique situation and should feel no shame in needing help. Unless your bf has a great job and can support the 3 of you he needs to accept that you need the support. Babies cost an incredible amount of money and it is hard at my age(40) let alone at 17. Best of luck to you and your little baby. It will be hard but when she looks in your eyes you will know how worth it all the worry is.

  22. who cares about looking "low class" I'm 19 years old, single and pregnant and I'm going to apply for WIC tomorrow and on top of that I'm on medicaid. take whatever help you can get because it will make it easier on YOU in the end and help you save up money.

    you shouldn't care about what people think about you or how "rich" or "poor" you look. you should care about the well being of you and your child and giving it the best life it deserves.

  23. Sorry to say but your boyfriend is an idiot!  It doesn't make you look like white trash.  In fact you can have a somewhat decent income to get wic, for you guys something like $36,000/yr.  Thats not trashy, but its just not making ends meet.  WIC is all about providing nutrition when you and your baby need it the most but cant afford it.  I would rather have a healthy baby than care about what people think when it isn't even true.

  24. Well, everything in this country has stereotypes nowadays. But what you need to remember is you have to have you and your baby's wellbeing in your best interest at all times. People are going to think what they're going to think, but all that matters is that you and your child are cared for. Also, half the reason people on WIC are looked down upon are because people think they are lazy and don't work which is an unfair stereotype. Do whatever you need to do to support your family. Also, your boyfriend should realize that if you guys don't get the extra money, he'll have to work extra hard to support his family. Good luck to you, and just remember- you'll pull through the hard times, I hope you and your boyfriend have a good relationship, I'm sure you do. Don't care what other people think. Just keep your child as your priority. Good luck!

  25. Take advantage of whatever resources are out there. My husband and I both worked until i became a SAHM when the baby was 4 months old, and we still qualified. If a two income family can get it- so can you. It helps A LOT! Trust me. When I was BF it was great to get the extra food for me, and when I switched to formula it saves me over $100 a month-just in formula not counting what food I get for myself!! WIC isn't a form of wellfare-- it is a SUPLEMENT program. Trust me, that over a $100 a month in savings helps me to put better diapers on my sons bottom and get extra things for the baby I otherwise would not be able to get!! Dont be ashamed of getting it, be proud of the fact that you are willing to keep your family healthy and happy! Your bf doesnt even need to know you're on WIC.  

  26. omg take advantage over it!  

  27. It helps you out alot when you are starting. There are alot of people on wic formula is expensive its not white trash!

  28. I had WIC when I had my daughter when I was 17. I lived with my parents at the time and they provided for myself and my daughter. I have ALWAYS worked but the WIC was a huge benefit for my parents who were basically supporting both my daughter and I. Now I am married and my husband and I made high 90's last year. I still might go and receive the WIC as it isn't based solely on your income (AKA not a "welfare" program). I work for a county agency and see tons of people every day receiving assistance that don't even contribute any tax dollars to help pay for their own needs. If the government is going to hand out $$$$ everyday to undeserving people- I'm going to get my share when I can. We've earned it!  

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