
Do you think that buying items made in countries where poor people have no facilities is safe for your kids?

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Do you think that buying items made in countries where poor people have no facilities is safe for you, your family and your kids?

Have you ever been to a third world country where they do not have public sewage systems and clean piped in drinking water. If you look at most of the items that are made in many of these countries you can see bits of debree inside the material they are made from such that I try to check carefully or preferentially buy USA if it exists. Some of the lightbulbs from foreign countries are filled with dust which who knows what types of diseases, pathogens or toxins are inside that dust. I understood this long before it was finally exposed that many products coming into the US by profiteers who ignore US standards and laws were very unsafe for children along with adults.




  1. not from china but from places like Africa and Brazil because the toys are usually natural and don't have stuff like lead

  2. i dont know what to say other than you may go crazy trying to police something like that

  3. Try to buy American made these days? It is either so darn expensive you can't buy it, or it doesn't exist

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