
Do you think that celebrities or politicians read YA Qs and As to see what the community is saying about them?

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Do you think that celebrities or politicians read YA Qs and As to see what the community is saying about them?




  1. That would certainly be petty...

    I am thinking yes....

  2. Sounds like a job for the staffer that got the boss mad at him...   Like political KP.

  3. No that is why we use YA to discuss how to email, fax and call politicians so they hear from us.

  4. Of-cause not  their days are far too busy  and these Q/A are only fun ,very few are serious question and there are correct places to goto get proper advice

  5. Do they?

    To little children ghostly stories?

    Should they waste their time on it?

    Don't they have better things to do?

    When they are the Boss who know it all about what went wrong out here.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  6. they do not care

    because Y.A is manipulated by the GOP who pays propagandists to manipulate public opinion .

    we all know that

  7. I don't think they they themselves do but it's likely that aides or others look around on here and other forums and sites.

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