
Do you think that cheating-just happens, no matter how careful we are, we are all vulnerable at some point??

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Do you think that cheating-just happens, no matter how careful we are, we are all vulnerable at some point??




  1. No it doesn't just happen.

    I'm married and I work with men a lot.

    I don't even think about being with another...I love and respect my Husband too much!!

  2. Ohhh, boy, you have hit upon the top thing in my pet peeves list! Cheating, or any bad (or good) behavior for that matter, does NOT "just happen!"

    Let's say that you were presented with an opportunity to cheat, and you chose to say no and leave immediately. Would you say that your NOT cheating just happened?? Of course not, you chose, and you should be very happy with yourself. So, if presented with the same opportunity, you chose to give in and cheat, why would you think it "just happened." Unless she stuck a gun in your face, you had a choice, and you made it.

    If we behave in a way that makes us feel proud, we grow in strength of character and build self-esteem. If we behave poorly, we erode our character and feel badly about ourselves. But it's always a matter of choice. Choose wisely.

  3. Do I think cheating "just happens"? No. It happens because you leave yourself open to the possibility. No one makes a faithful partner cheat. For the cheating to occur the person must allow it to start, to become a part of their thinking.  To decide that they are, for whatever reason, deserving of one.

    No matter how careful we are, we are all vulnerable at some point? Yes, in a way. We may, at some stage, feel that there is something we are missing, something more out there for us. That what we have isn't meeting our "needs". That the other person isn't as loving or as caring as we want them to be.

    But no matter how we feel, we are responsible for what we CHOOSE to do. We are always responsible for what ever actions we choose to take, and we alone make those choices. So if we choose to cheat - and it is always a choice - then we are a cheater, no matter what circumstances we use as an excuse for that behavior.

    How many times here have we heard "Is it alright to cheat because I'm not getting enough s*x at home" or "Hubby doesn't give me any affection, or spend time with me", "I only had an affair because...", "If my partner would...I would never have cheated"?

    But none say "I wanted more, but was too selfish to let go of my partner, BEFORE looking for something else. After all I have the right to use them that way, don't I? Don't I deserve that? That doesn't make me a bad person because I CHOOSE to lie, to deceive, to hide the real me?"

  4. No, because you know how to say no.

  5. I don't believe that cheating just happens. Many people use that as an excuse when they cheat and get caught. If someone wants to cheat on someone how can they say that it just happened? Cheating does not just happen. I have known lots of men and have many times had chances to cheat on my first husband and did not want to. I sometimes have wished that I had. I am now married to a better man and don't even think of cheating now.  

  6. Cheating happens when you put yourself in the position to cheat.  It's actually a lot harder to cheat then people think it is.  You have to put yourself in situations to cheat and look for ways to cheat.  If someone cheats it's because they put effort into it.  It never "just happens".

  7. Ummm no. Last time i checked being vulnerable did not actually take away a persons ability to make decisions.  I think anyone who is blaming it on being vulnerable is just making up an excuse.

  8. I think cheating happens if your thinking about it, or wondering about someone else besides your loved one. The person let's it happen

  9. Who's marriage really lasts forever? the only one I knew was my grandparents, I believe that was the last era. And I think everybody can be vulnerable and what everybody said about not putting yourself in certain positions makes a lot of sense. I know that I seek other men to fill my gaps and leave the s*x part out. Which takes a lot of control. It is all about the choices you make. You are aware of the consequences right? It is always easy to get yourself emotionally attached!

  10. that's why you avoid getting to those moments. If all the stuff that lead to feeling that comfortable or attracted to someone else never got a chance to start it wouldn't happen. I am always amazed to at how men,and women, are willing to put all that effort into another relationship rather than healing the one they committed to already. If you are experiencing this much problem with one relationship why would you want to have to deal with two of them?

  11. cheating is a conscious act, that u plan to do or not to do.everyday there are temptations put in front of us, and we were given free will, so when we cheat its our own free will, and nothing just happens.vulnerability is just an excuse for being weak minded and weak willed.if a person was more careful in their thought life,and with their hearts,there would be no cheating.

  12. Sometimes, I think so .. But their are so many reason why they cheat.

    Yes anyone could cheat. And even the ones that said they would never do that could cheat.

  13. Cheating like any other psychological reactions don't just happen. The thought comes in, if it is welcome it is then conceived, germination of the possibility takes place. rehearsal of the event is formed. In the cheating case, doubts over getting caught are reduced, choices of motives to justify the action become logic, curiosity plays a great part of the equation and anticipation of accomplishment runs wild in the nervous system. The human system goes through those steps before the happening.I think that I answer your question.

  14. Cheating never "just happens". You know what you're doing & the consequences that come with it. Period.

  15. you wouldnt cheat on someone if you realle really love you might think you do but you dont

  16. I think if you put yourself in a certain situation enough times, things can happen.  Keep yourself out the fire and you won't get burned.

  17. well usually there needs to be some sorta connection to sleep with someone. Thats what u got to prevent! Dont go no where or do anything with the opposit s*x unless your wife or husband is around!

    Like going to the movies or go out to eat. U dont want to spend no time alone cause thats how connections are formed!

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