
Do you think that children of divorce are more likely to later be the victim of divorce? ?

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Do you think that children of divorce are more likely to later be the victim of divorce? ?




  1. I think children of divorce are less likely to get married but I also think that those that do are less likely to put up with c**p! I was a child of divorce, and have been divorced. I am however blissfully happily married again! I think that if your parents divorce it can , like it did for me, make me more realistic about life and romance. In that you dont have to stay married if its not working out and that people can go on to be happier in their subsequent marriages. I also saw my dad remarry and be happily ever after after seeing him heartbroken when my mum left!

  2. Is that any worse than a child who grows up with parents who fight and disrespect each other? Will that child grow up and stay in a crappy marriage?

  3. Not really.  My parents FINALLY divorced when I was 32 yrs old.  I think that having to witness their horrible marriage all those years is what turned me off to the idea completely.  I just got married & I'm 37.  It took me that long to warm up to the idea.  If they had divorced when I was a child maybe my perception of married life would have been better.

  4. My family has not encountered divorce. my parents were married till death, I have been married 9 years and have NO intention of ever getting divorced. Although, I must add that my husband has an ex- who grew up in orphanage without either parent, and had NO clue of how to be a partner, she has 2 failed marriages  I do believe that this has influenced her in a big way.

    my husband and I both come from loving homes, with the same upbringing and background, so we have the same ideals, and have had good role-models..

  5. It could go either way.  I do believe that the chances are increased, but that there are exceptions.  I liken it to the question of whether an abused child will become an abuser.  Some people internalize as adults that it's normal and will follow suit.  Others recall their sadness at having been in this situation and vow not to do the same, then follow through by living a completely opposite life.

  6. Nah not always they as an adult have to either learn to change the things that they didn't like growing up or they will be in that same root that they are in now?

  7. My brother and I are he's happily married and I've never been married. i don't think there is any logical reason for this theory.

  8. 100% correct

  9. I disagree.  My parents did  yes divorce, but after 16 years. They did the mistake of staying together for the kids!!

    I have divorced 3 times, yes, but not one of my kids have yet. 2 of them have been in relationships for 6 plus years!  Their very happy, and they work at their problems, as soon as they come up.  I respect them for this alot!  It was something I wasn't able to do in my marriages!   My kids, 4 of them, were babies when I divorced. I have asked if my divorces had any damage on them, and they laugh at me! They tell me how proud they are of me for not staying and keeping them in abusive homes!   They don't blame me.  They blame the fact that I wasn't secure enough though to pick the right men.  

    To me, it's can also be asked:  do you think children of "marriage" are more likely to get married?   ( think about it).

  10. My husband's ex-wife is an insufferable looney.  The kids have no idea, other than they recognize she doesn't much play with them.  Other than that my husband and I pay for, organize and take care of everything, and they are none the wiser that we have to remind her when the first day of school is!  

  11. Children of broken/divorced homes have a very hard time in long term commitments.  This affects more than just relationships.  I believe they have a harder time persevering in all aspects of life.  The lesson of dedication and hard work achieves great things is one that is easily lost when parents 'give up' on their family by divorcing.

  12. I feel it will be the other way round. They will be more careful with their relationship since they might have seen the torture the family go through because of divorce.

  13. Not at all.  Children that are raised by alcoholics, drug abusers, g**s, serial killers etc.... do not always turn out that way.  My parents divorced, married others and divorced & remarried others again.  My siblings and I have only married once and do not believe in divorces.  It's all about the individual - nothing can be generalized.  I know people who's parents & grandparents have been married 40+ & 50+ years, but they have divorced several times and they weren't raised that way -  it all depends on the person's values and commitment regarding marriage.

  14. I think once they have children, they try to hang in there no matter what because they don't want their children to have to go through what they went through when their parents divorced.  

  15. My Mom & Dad got divorced when I was very. My Dad was at sea so my mother dropped us off at my Grandmothers. I never saw her again.But I was raised with ALOT OF LOVE !! And my Dad came to visit as often as he could..And I am happily married ( been together 11 yrs now).

  16. Are they a victim of divorce or a victim of marriage?  You can't get divorced unless you s***w up and get married.

  17. That a good question, i came from a good home my wife wasnt so fortunate as me growing up.  Where having problems now

  18. Anything is possible.  The environment that you grow up in has a strong influence on you, shaping you into the adult you become.  If all you grew up experiencing is dysfunction, then that's all you'll know.  A person has to want more, and will have to work on not repeating history.

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