
Do you think that children should be protected from dark and evil things in the world?

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Do you think that children should be protected from dark and evil things in the world?




  1. to some extent yes if it is only something like disappointment then no,if a pet dies do not hide it etc etc

  2. to some degree yes, but they have to be gradually exposed to what the world really is so that they can deal with it, because someday they will have to when we arn't there to protect them.  

  3. Absolutely, because this is the time on which the whole life is built up.

    The strong foundation of the life is laid on this period. In this stage their mind is like a white paper, whatever they observe get printed on this paper and effects the whole life. So they must be protected from all type of evil and negetive things andprovided with all good, moral and positive things.

  4. Probably yeah. Although they need some kind of exposure to the evil stuff in order to be able to defend themselves against it. The problem is figuring out how to give them that exposure without it being too costly in the process.

  5. Of course I do. I'm a big person when it comes to World Peace and Environmental Awareness, so I think that everyone should be protected from "dark and evil things in the world", but especially small children.

    For me, an adult doesn't mean you turn 18 and you can drive, etc. An adult is someone that contains the ability to take care of themselves in an appropriate manner. Young children should have the most protection, though, because they cannot take care of themselves yet. I know this isn't part of the question, but I also think that elders should have lots of protection, especially those with problems such as vision disabilities, leg problems, arthritis, etc.

    Also, these children are our future. If one child gets killed by someone, or possibly hurt in very serious condition, that is one less child that we possibly could have had as a doctor, police wo/man, or someone else that takes care of human beings (basically any job that is a necessity for man-kind).

    I hope this answers your question (if you're looking for a specific answer), but this is more my point of view. I differ with a lot of people I know, so I hope this is a good enough answer for you!! :]

  6. No.  They will be too cocky by half.  If they get over-confident they will run around the house sticking their fingers in the electric sockets and playing games in the middle of the road.  The best thing you can do is to show them pictures of mortuary scenes from

  7. What!!??!!??

    They ARE the source of dark and evil in the world lol

  8. Of course, that's an adult job in life, protecting our young.

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