
Do you think that companies really give a monkey's when joining the "green" advertising bandwagon?

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Do you think that companies really give a monkey's when joining the "green" advertising bandwagon?




  1. They probably only do it for the tax breaks.Im sure some companies do care but most just want the perks.

  2. Probably not. Companies, after all, exist to make money. Because being green is attractive to customers right now, you better believe that a lot of them are playing into it.

    If their green talk turns into green actions, then that's amazing. The only thing that concerns me is when the advertising is completely false. We all need to get more informed about companies' business practices and support only those that are genuine.

  3. Only the ones that look to the future beyond next quarters numbers.   Adding CFL's will cut into the profit margin this quarter, but make next quarters profit greater.   Some companies cannot understand this or are too frightened of going under with one poor quarters earnings they cannot afford to make sensible planning for the future.

  4. I don't think so what ever is the so called 'flavour of the month' is what corporate America will beat there chests about if it can bring them positive advertising about a few trees they planted here and there or less lighting to save on power they will do things that will line there own pockets before anything that would jeopardize there bottom line and returns to the shareholders

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