
Do you think that democracy the best form of government for ALL nations of the Earth (or not) ?????

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Rethinkinking the National Interest

by Condoleeza Rice

This will appear in Foriegn Affairs July/August 2008




  1. the story link didnt work

    but democracy is the best for those who actually use it...for those who dont its all bs and they hate it

    meaning for people who vote, it works

    for those who want to do nothing but cry and whine about how bad it is...well they dont vote therefore its not gonna go their way

  2. Even with all it's flaws(due to greed and powermadness) it's the most workablr system so far devised and while checks and balances need to be in place(and adhered to of course) Democracy can and should be a viable governmental construct

  3. No, Democracy is not the best form of government for every nation and history has prove this right.  There are several assumptions that must pre-exist before Democracy will function properly.

    First and foremost is the concept of person who is responsible for what he says, does, and contracts.  The respect for all life stems from this.

    2nd.  The concept if individual integrity --- a person would be subject to shame or worse to openly lie to his peers.

    3rd.   Written Language so that records can be kepts and referenced.

    4th.   #3 implies a desire to learn the language and to learn in general.

    5th  The held concepts of individual wealth (property) and the willful sharing of portions of one's property for the commonweal.

    These conditions are not extant in all societies.  An election in an illerate society is sham for people elect the most popular or for whom they were told to do so.

    In the Democratics societies of history:  Athens, Venice, The USA, all of these conditions were in place --- The US was blessed with a 500 (1215) year history of law.  It had the Scholaristicism, the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Enlightenment to hone our concepts of individual rights ---  But education is key to keeping a Democracy working.   Athens despite its learning --- allowed anyone to vote themselves money from the public and to exempt themselves from military service.   Venice could not control spending, warfare, or the encroachment of the Italian Church.

    We need more citizens to study how our governemt works and how it can be abused --- Listen to speech about change or rosy scenerios ask how they will be implemented --- how they will affect me:   A optimal choice is one where a least one person is better off and NO PERSON is WORST OFF.  Far too often if I can better myself by s******g my neighbor in the name of fairness --- people will vote for this change to my dictorial advantage.

    Many nations on Earth do not respect the individual.  Many see individual thinking as heresy or selfishness.  Many cultures do not have the notion of private property.   So your life belongs to the diety, who gave it to the king to do as he whims.   To us rights were endowed to the person.

    If the culture does not believe in private property, life (your property) is not respected and may be taken at whim.  Your vote can be taken by trick.

    If education about law, science, biology is restricted to the priestly class --- you have no rights for the priest will not find in your favor.

    We in the US have been blessed with access to property, education, individual rights endowed by our Creator --- but we may lose them all --- if we do not assert that these are goods that may not be restricted.

    If you have a right to life, they you have a right to defend it, for both yourself, your family, and for your neighbor who is too young, old, weak to defend it himself -- for if you let one person take the life of another, someone will presume the right to take it from you.  

    Think --- Protect your rights ---- Study.  Study history where popular votes gave dictators to the people.

  4. No, but it's the best anyone's come up with so far.

    EDIT: Just so you know, the link is broken.

  5. At the moment my pc won't let me into the websites above . However, my first question would be whose democracy are we talking about? American republic style, British/Commonwealth parliamentary style ? An in country type of democracy?

    The freedoms North America and Western Inudstrialized countries have under our various types of democracies are hard for countries to understand and grasp, who have been under military or despotic leaderships. They are often impatient that the changes don't come immediately and when they don't revert to old ways , saying see democracy doesn't work here.

    Many countries have " elections" but they are unfair and undemocratic by Western standards. The citizens are intimidated by military members or government gang type members  or undemocratic governments who intimidate and frighten  the average citizen  because they are influential and powerful.

    I think before a society decides to take on democracy it must have a clear grasp of what democracy entails , how it works , the flaws in the system whether it's a parliamentary democracy or a republic type democracy.  This is NOT a process that takes place over night and probably should start at a local level first then provincial or state governming bodies and then in a federal government ie. grassroots up and not federalism down so that people understand and gain confidence in the leaders.

    As we know parliamentary and republic type democracies are not perfect, after hundreds of years the Western Industrialized countries are still working on what democracy is in our individualized countries and how it works or how it doesn't work.

    We can not , nor should we not expect countries new to the concept to hurry up and change and do it the western way. Ultimately I think democracy is the best form of government, it's nearly transparent and open in most cases . In parliamentary government when the people are dis-satisfied with the PM or the ruling party they can just vote them out , rather than have long impeachment processes which may or may not work.  But each country needs to find out what democracy is first and then what type of democracy will work the best for them in their own individual situation.

  6. seems to be the best choice to me. your link is broke

  7. No because even democracy is still a work in progress.  Governments are like religions, no one is really sure which one is the best choice but there are some that we know are terrible.

  8. No. Democracy actually conflicts with other nation's cultures. Democracy reaches beyond the political arena.

  9. To me it is. And has served me well  But, yet to some it means nothing. apparently. you can see that from your answers.

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