
Do you think that deposed monarchs should in some cases be allowed to return to their thrones?

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As in once whos government has both a "president" and a "prime minister" where the president basically fills the monarch's shoes that they would if it were a constitutional monarchy? And which ones do you think should be restored if you think that?




  1. You're missing the difference in that Presidents serve fixed terms, monarch's govern (even as one branch head) for life.

    Monarchs can continue to serve a ceremonial role, but the simple fact of the complete democratization of the election process is efficiency- elections (in most cases) simply bring out the best candidates for the needs of the time. Kings/Queens do not respond well to that change.

    If you notice, most deposed monarchies got that way because they sucked as rulers of the people.

  2. That is up to the individual countries concerned to decide, it is not for outsiders to say.  In the case of many countries, it seems unlikely that they would want the monarchy back, since it has been gone for such along time.  The French have done without theirs for over a hundred and thirty years now, so it seems improbable that they would suddenly decide they wanted theirs back.

  3. The Greek royals were kicked out of the job without any warning;they were on vacation and were informed that their services were no longer needed.They were not allowed back in the country to retrieve their belongings.They had to fall upon the mercy of Queen Elizabeth II,and their sister,Sophia of Spain.The Greeks should  restore their monarchy just on the basis of the way they deposed the system--no votes by the people of the country,just a boot out of the country.

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