
Do you think that divorce is so high right now b/c the women aren't being docile and submissive?

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That is what my husband said tonight at dinner to me. He said it that when women are docile and submissive it makes conflict in the marriage almost zero and he says that is the way it was meant to be and I am just curious what others think.




  1. men don't realize what wonderful woman that they really have

  2. yes

  3. Once all the states in this country went to "No Fault" the divorce rate climbed out of control. 70% of the divorce's filed in this country have been filed by woman with is public on the internet at any government site. Go to any therapist and tell them your not happy and listen to them and you'll be a self centered all about me "A" hole in divorce court to screaming your spouse is being controlling. I guess the woman in this country are lucky they are not living in the jungle under the laws of "The nature of the Beast" because most would all be dead

  4. Actually, I think he's right - although I disagree with him.  

    Hear me out:

    In the past when divorce was almost unheard of, spouses when married put up with almost anything their husbands did.  Some husbands used to physically, mentally, and sexually abuse their wives often.  Look up the "rule of thumb" which stated you could beat your wife with anything as thick as your thumb or less.  And why so many clothes in those days covered the neck (for bruises).  Women could be abused in all forms for years and they had no recourse but to put on a brave show in public and suffer the abuse.  Many men also used to leave their wives to go visit prostitutes and then come back home to their wives.  Some would bring the prostitutes home and involve their unwilling wives.  Men in these brothels would brag to the other men about being married and the things they did to their wives.  Brothels did major business back then and I imagine the cheating statistics were incredible.  And it was all accepted by society at that time.

    So, yes - divorce rates were very low when women were submissive.  However, was it right? Of course not!  It was horrible!!!  Some men were acting like monsters and their wives had no options to get out.  They lived their entire lives under the abuse having no one to help them.  Imagine the emotional toll that would take.  Imagine knowing a friend who was being abused and being powerless to help them.

    Some husbands were good providers, fathers and partners.  They loved their wives and they both respected each other.  Today it is the same.  Those that have good partnerships hopefully have happy marriages and stay together for a long and healthy marriage.  That hasn't changed and hopefully it never will.

    But those who abuse their partners today (both a man and woman can be abusive) or cheat, their spouses have the option to leave them.  So yes this will create a higher divorce rate.  And so it should - no one should have to put up with that - ever!

    On the other side, there are people who do get married to quickly and only realize afterwards the mistake they made.  This also helps drive up the rate but being submissive likely factors little into this.

  5. Women have been submissive for millennia.

    Perhaps it is the men's turn, they can do as they are told and take orders for the next several thousand years and we'll see how that goes.

    Really, no one should be treated like a second class citizen. All these fundamentalist religious groups, christian and Muslim and so forth, keep women and society in the dark ages.

    Countries throughout the world that treat women more equally, are more peaceful and prosperous. Look at the Middle East and how women are treated there. They have gobs of oil, yet they fight and kill each other. That is what happens when you repress half the population.  

  6. He is full of c**p. Divorces are high today because people have not learned to commit to each other. We live in a throw away society today. If your spouse isn't exactly what you thought he/she would be just cast them aside and get another.

  7. Divorces still happened in the 19th century and prior to this when women WERE expected to be docile and submissive.

    Divorces happened at a much lower rate then because the culture in which people lived placed much more strict expectations of couples.

    This is why women had to be more docile and submissive to the men - and why the men had to be lord and master.

    With the culture change in the west after WWII, these more established roles for men and women flipped upside down.

    The "sexual revolution" sought to free women - but if ultimately this has led to a higher divorce rate, it seems to be a bit of a sour deal then, doesn't it.

    Of course things are far more complicated and depending on each individuals circumstances and personal strengths and weaknesses.

  8. omg... he needs to go back to the cave he crawled out of. Woman are not slaves in their marriages .. submissive... ITS NOT supposed to be JAIL. divorce happens because men cant keep their pants zipped up, because men think their woman owes them something and has to be docile and submissive and barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, and because men are stupid jerks that treat their wives badly. He really needs to get his club and crawl back into that cave with gieco on this heels cause you've sued his *** off in the divorce. I feel sorry for you, youve got a long haul if he thinks that way. I put up with it for 20 years, enough was enough. wow... MEN

  9. Those marriages lasted because the women didn't have their own finances and so they stayed because they COULDN'T leave.

    The divorce rate is high because a lot of people don't have a clue about what makes a marriage work.

    It sounds like your husband is one of those people.

  10. IF he thinks that then I would say divorce rates are high because men EXPECT women to be like that. =]

  11. Sorry, but your husband is a nutjob.  He isn't thinking of the price that is paid by women who are docile and completely submissive to their husbands.  Sure, their marriages may stay together with hubby living blissfully.  I challenge him to find a wife in this situation who can honestly say she's happy.  the divorce rate is so high because we've become a nation (at least in the US) of people who place themselves above all.  Everyone wants to jump in and do whatever feels great at the moment without thinking through to the long term.  When things begin to get tough, they bail because they want to make themselves happy again.

  12. No I believe the divorce rate is high because people only think of them selves and not their partner,  They want everyone else to change and be who they want them to be.  That goes for man or woman


  13. No the divorce rate is so high because women do not know what they want.   It's impossible for a man to ever keep a woman happy, so eventually he gives up, and she gets fed up.  After that happens it's only a matter of time till the all easy to obtain divorce is filed for.

  14. Maybe marriage is a outdated thought, Maybe we should just date who we are happy with and have kids if we want and kinda live seperate. I see a lot of couples that get along ok if they are not in each others face all the time, so space could help in these relationships.

  15. If my husband had the balls to say something that nervy he'd be served divorce papers within a week. Divorce is high because people don't work at their marriages. Women should never have to be submissive or docile. Any man that wants a woman like that is nothing more than a pathetic caveman who needs to be slapped.

  16. Im not sure but I think he was probably being facetious, yeah i think he really was joking. In response to the comment about men not keeping their pants zipped up, ladies don't applaud and flatter yourselves on being the most virtuous of the two sexes. Ive known plenty of women who spread their legs to someone else and was half as concerned about how their partners would feel. Quit pretending to be victims.

  17. So your husband is telling you, That if your not submissive and docile. You'll be heading for divorce?? He needs a good slap up side of his head. Borrow his club from him and use it, But that would be after you hunt, kill,skin and cook dinner over the open fire, that you started!   EDIT:  Did he give you the name Little Angle?

  18. he's kind of right, he just said it wrong.  women need to respect and submit to their husbands.  pastor just spoke about this in church today.  if u brake down the 2 words:  respect, re to do again and spect to look atfrom the words spectator or spectacle.  so it means to re look at your husband.  see him in a different light.  submit: sub meaning under, so you want to be under his mission, meaning support his mission.  get it?  it's in the bible.

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